Subject: Time-sensitive prayer request: shipped computer to arrive before conference

Time-sensitive prayer request: Yesterday morning while checking the Gospel of John in one of the Roma languages, my computer unexpectedly died. This laptop is the tool I use for all my Bible translation work. I have a replacement on order but here is the time-sensitive part: It is supposed to arrive tomorrow afternoon or evening, but I leave tomorrow evening to fly to Dallas to attend the Bible Translation Conference through Tuesday of next week. This conference is an important time to learn about Bible translation and to add to or tweak the software we use to make it the most efficient. If my new laptop does not arrive before I leave tomorrow, I won't be able to set it up and use it at the conference and maximize the expertise of the software support experts who will be at this conference. So please pray that, if the Lord wills, the laptop will arrive tomorrow (Thursday 10/12) in time for me to take it to Dallas for the conference. Thank you!

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