Subject: The Prices Write (September 2023)

Dear praying friends,

A lot has happened since we last wrote. Pam and I taught the missions section of Vacation Bible School at our church in Blue Springs, MO. Pam continues to serve on our worship team at church, team teaches youth girls’ Sunday School and is writing the upcoming Christmas play which she will direct. This school year she is also the leader for the 7th and 8th grade girls at Ariela’s American Heritage Girls club.

Pam teaching missions at VBS

We enjoyed celebrating Ariela’s 12th birthday here, and sending goodies to Matthew in Atlanta for his 25th birthday. We also enjoyed having nieces from Texas visit us. A highlight was a family reunion in Des Moines, Iowa, with many of the younger nieces and nephews from Pam’s side of the family.

Ariela’s 12th birthday!

Ariela loved her Paris-themed birthday party

Family reunion at Living History Farms in Des Moines, Iowa

Our family visiting a log cabin at Living History Farms

Pam with her mom and 3 sisters (L-R: Val, Kim, Barbie, Ruth, Pam)

Pam enjoyed the special time with sisters

Todd enjoyed a retreat with the other elders for our church and taught an adult Sunday school class explaining how manuscripts of the Greek New Testament were made. He was also able to visit his mom in Oklahoma City.

He finished checking the book of Acts in the Roma languages, which we have been working on for four months, and started consulting on the Roma translations of the Epistle of James. He is also attending parts of an online conference with colleagues from The Word for the World Bible Translators.

Thank you for your encouraging words, generous financial support and faithful prayers.

Eternal blessings to you as you invest in work for his Kingdom!

Todd & Pam (Kirsten, Ariela & Daniel)

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