Subject: Summer wrap up; translation progress (The Prices Write, October 2018, part 1)

Summer wrap up; translation progress (The Prices Write, October 2018, part 1) View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
Pam showing kids how to use the Bible coloring sheet 

Here’s what’s new with us: At the end of August we wrapped up the summer ministries with a one-day Bible festival for 15 children from the front part of the village near where we live and a week of classes for preschoolers.
Above: Preschool classes (with Ariela in the middle)
Below: Pam & Ariela camping out in our courtyard
In September, the younger kids started home school (Ariela 2nd grade; Daniel 5th grade), and Kirsten started her freshman year of high school online.

Todd gave a presentation at the Gypsy Lore Society in Bucharest, Romania, and will be writing a chapter about Bible translation for an upcoming book about the Bayash. The Bible translation continues to progress and we are currently focusing on translating Luke 6-8 in Bayash and three other Roma dialects (Arli, Chergash, and Gurbet)

Todd has started studying Ludari, the 5th Roma language we have targeted for Bible translation. This is the first step in the process to be followed by finding Roma translators and then beginning translation of Bible stories.
Todd with Goran and Kada at their apartment in Serbia translating into Gurbet & Arli
Above: Our car with Croatian license plates!

We praise God that we were able to get our car imported from Hungary and registered here! We also praise God that the draft of the Gospel of Luke in four of the Roma dialects is now online and available to anyone who wants to read it.

Thankful for your prayers and support!
Todd & Pamala Price
(Kirsten, Daniel, Ariela)

Below: Screen snip of Luke 4:1-4 in Gurbet, available online
Donations can be sent to:
Pioneers, 10123 William Carey Dr., Orlando, FL 32832
or made online at:
(for account 110250, Todd & Pamala Price)
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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