Subject: Spreading a little Christmas cheer--food & gifts to grateful Roma

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Roma Bible Society
The Prices Write
Todd & Pam Price | Budapest, Hungary | Roma Bible translation
Dear friends,

Thank you for praying for us. We wanted to share a few pictures and a brief update.

I went to a village 165 miles from where we live, in NE Hungary by the border of Slovakia. There some of our friends from church delivered food parcels to 80 of the poorest Roma families in the village. The weather was cold but we received a warm reception as each family received about 35 lbs. of food staples and a Gospel of John. (See for more details and pictures.)

It was also a joy as a family to visit a Roma family who live only a few miles from us and bring them gifts for their seven children, and a supply of food and hygiene staples. We were able to wish them a Merry Christmas in their Roma dialect and read a few pages of the Christmas story. (For more details and pictures, also see 

Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas in five languages, in celebration of the One whose birth came as Good News for every tongue, tribe and nation!
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