Subject: Serbian police shut down Bible club; our travels; camp & VBS

     Serbian police shut down Bible club; our travels; VBS & Bible camp    View this e-mail online if it doesn't display correctly.
Thank you for praying faithfully for us. Here is a brief update:

1. Thank you for praying for Matthew at Bible camp last week. It was a good time of teaching and worship and we're very thankful for the opportunity he had to attend this camp, graciously paid for by a friend's church.

2. Thanks also for praying for Kirsten and Daniel who attended VBS last week at a wonderful church just down the street from where we are staying. This week they are at VBS at our home church in Blue Springs, MO, for which we are also very grateful. As always, please pray that our children will grow spiritually and love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

3. We enjoyed being with brothers and sisters in Douds, IA, this weekend, speaking at Zion Bible Church. Thank you for praying for safety for our 500-mile round trip. We also enjoyed a nice visit to Pam's mom and dad, and niece in Albia, IA, during that time.

4. This weekend we head to Texas to speak at Cedar Creek Baptist Church in Whtiney, TX on Sunday. Please pray for safety for this trip of over 1200 miles. We're thankful that we'll be able to visit Pam's sister, Val, in TX for a few days on this trip and see our nieces and nephews. Please pray we can be blessing to the church, our friends who will host us and Val and family through our visit.

5. The second car we got recently was in a fender bender and we are thankful that no was hurt. The car is drivable but has a broken windshield and crumpled hood, etc. Because of the age of the car, we did not have full coverage insurance unfortunately. Please pray for Jonathan that he can get it repaired inexpensively and safely.

6. Our teammates back in Hungary are in the midst of the biggest event of the year, the summer camp for teaching English to Hungarians. Please pray for the salvation of unbelievers in attendance and the spiritual strengthening of believers and the church plants involved. The camp is all week long and involves about 150 staff and campers.

7. We were saddened to hear from our colleagues back in Europe that the Serbian police interrupted and shut down the Bible club in a new village in NE Serbia among the Roma children (pictured below). Please pray that the Lord will use this for good and that the gospel, which is so desperately needed, will spread and bear fruit in these villages, among these children and adults, to the glory of God and the good of men's souls. For more details see:
Thank you! We covet your prayer.
May the wounds of the Lamb be honored in our lives!

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