Subject: Scripture in new language; car breakdown but God's provision

First Scripture ever in this dialect; car breakdown but God's provision           View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
Beginning of Luke 7 in a Hungarian Roma dialect

We are excited that we are getting closer to publishing the first portion of Scripture ever in Hungarian Munteon Bayash, a Roma dialect spoken in southern Hungary. Many people have worked many hours to get it to this point. Now our partners are finishing the layout of the booklet and then we will have it proofread by those who did the translation.

I was at a series of meetings at Wycliffe Associates in Orlando recently and one of the presenters stated that of the time spent in Bible translation, about 15% was drafting the translation [the fun part], about 35% checking it with others to make sure it is accurate, clear and natural, and that a full 50% was on the technical part, which is often seen as tedious and non-glamorous. This includes all kinds of administrative work like typing out the translation, formatting it, working with software for checking and publishing and 1,001 small details that most people don't think about, but which are essential in getting the translated Word into the hands of those who need it.

So, we are working on part of the 50% and look forward to the day when this Scripture booklet with portions from Luke sees the light of day. Please pray with us for this and for a few other requests I will share below:

1. Pray for wisdom, skill and unity for those designing the booklet and preparing it for print.

2. Pray for the final checking that there will be accuracy, freedom from all error, and oneness of mind for the those involved in the translation.

3. Pray for wisdom and oneness of mind in options related to copyright and distribution of these precious Scriptures.

Our kids love the bread here in Hungary! (Ariela, 4)

A couple other areas for prayer:

4. The day I left Budapest to travel to Orlando for meetings, our car broke down as Pam and the kids drove home from church. (Stuff like this seems to happen when I am away on ministry trips.) God was gracious in leading her to get off at a gas station right before the drive shaft broke. Dear friends with Pioneers helped her out in a bind, giving her a ride home and arranging everything for the Hungarian mechanic to fix the car. When it was all over, the car was repaired and back to Pam by the time I got home from Orlando the following week and the mechanics bill was under $200. Wow. Thank you, Lord.

5. We are excited about a team from one of our churches in Kansas City planning to come the end of June to do ministry in two Roma villages in Croatia. Please pray for funding they will need, and for all the logistics of transportation, lodging, puppet and children's ministry training, etc., and that God "will open a door for the word" (Col. 4:3) among these Roma.

Thank you for praying,

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