Subject: Roma in Chinese costumes !? (The Prices Write, June 2018, part 1)

Roma in Chinese costumes!?     View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
Ariela (6) in traditional Chinese dress at the children’s Bible club

It is so nice to live in Croatia now so we can be much closer to the Roma we want to reach. Since we are just 10 minutes by car from the Ludari village here in Slavonski Brod, we are able to join in the Bible clubs and Bible studies. Our Pioneers partners, Andy and Lim, recently returned from their furlough in Hong Kong (where Lim is from), so for the most recent Bible club they used that connection to teach how God loves all people from all parts of the world, no matter how different they are. And to illustrate that they taught the kids about the many differences between Croatia and Hong Kong–food, dress, festivals, high rise apartment buildings and eating with chopsticks!

Our teammate, Joy Hill who lives in Budapest, was able to come to Croatia to spend several days helping Todd prepare for next month’s two-week-long Bible translation workshop with our consultant from The Seed Company. This will be an intense time of meeting with all the Roma Bible translators and checking their translation drafts verse-by-verse in parts of Luke. Joy’s help was critical in entering the Roma translations and back translations into the software program that Todd and our consultant use for checking. See the upcoming prayer calendar and our blog for specific prayer requests for the upcoming translation workshop.

We’re also grateful for the warm welcome by the Baptist Church here in our town and in the town of Nova Gradiška (40 minutes away) where we attend.

Thank you so much to each of you who makes this Bible translation ministry to the Roma possible through your prayers and financial support! We appreciate you all!

Todd & Pamala
Slavonski Brod, Croatia
(See more pictures and our prayer calendar at
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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