Subject: Prayer requests for English camp

Prayer requests for English camp    View this email online if it doesn't display correctly

July 23-30 our family will be serving in Hungary at an English Camp outreach alongside other Pioneers missionaries and Hungarian believers.

The need for prayer is great before, during and after camp. Therefore the team in Hungary has developed a Camp Prayer Blog.

Each year there is a camp prayer blog to give daily updates to friends and supporters who have committed to pray. They emphasize, the main purpose for this site is to list prayer requests and praises for supporters and isn't intended for public viewing. A "blog" is just the easiest format to use versus having to email individual requests.

Our team has done their best to protect the privacy of the campers and prayer requests and therefore we ask that you don't post this email or blog site anywhere public like your blog, Facebook, Twitter, church website, or anywhere the campers could find it on the internet. This is very important!

Each post password protected. I know this sounds extreme but imagine the potential hurt to a camper who reads a prayer request written about them and doesn't understand our heart or why we shared. Please do not give out the password with out contacting me.

Prayer Blog Address:

Post Password (case sensitive and no spaces): Jesuslovesyou!

Pictures are also posted. It is just easiest to have a link to a flicker site. Before camp you will see pictures, both personal and ministry, from the Mercer family. During camp you will see many dozens of pictures uploaded daily from English Camp.

Thank you for your commitment to pray for us daily during camp. The blog is already up and working, so check it out.

(Written by Cathy Thompson, for Pioneers Hungary)
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10123 William Carey Dr.
Orlando, FL 32832
Or made online at:
Please designate for account 110250
for Todd & Pamala Price
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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