Subject: Prayer needs for Scripture distribution in September

Renata making the audio recording of 50 Bible stories in the Bayash language

I plan to be in Serbia and Croatia September 5-17. The goal of the trip is two-fold:

  1. We have completed the Gospel of Luke and 50 Stories from the Bible (along with a glossary explaining important terms) in four Roma languages. We will print these and distribute them in the four languages in over a dozen churches or villages during this two-week visit.

  2. We will introduce the new project coordinator to the translators and other Christian workers and pastors in the region. He will take over coordination of the translation project as it moves on to the second phase, and I will become one of the translation consultants which will allow me to give my focus to examining and approving the finalized version of other books of the Bible which are translated in these languages.

As often happens with trips of this complexity, we have already run into challenges in the planning stages and I feel a great need for your prayers and the Lord's intervention. We want this trip to (as my consultant said the other day) to be a success as defined by the Lord. So, with that in mind, please pray for the Lord's will to be done in the following:

  1. That the printers in Serbia and Croatia can get the books printed in time for the scheduled distribution (starting Sept. 7)

  2. That we will be able to meet with many churches and in many villages, and distribute the books to many interested Roma.

  3. That we can get the audio recordings of Luke and the 50 Bible stories put online and on YouTube in time for the distributions, and that many will listen to God's Word through that medium.

  4. That the new project coordinator will have much wisdom from God moving forward about how best to set up the translation teams for translation of the rest of the New Testament in our five Roma languages.

  5. That COVID tests and restrictions will not stand in the way of us crossing borders into and out of Serbia, Croatia and the US.

Thank you for being there for us and for holding us up in prayer!


Below are the covers in the four languages. The titles are 50 Stories from the Bible and The Gospel of Luke.

In the Arli language

In the Bayash language

In the Chergash language

In the Gurbet language

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