Subject: Pray requests for Croatia trip (leaving Wednesday)

Pam writing out the lyrics in Croatian and English to teach our summer teamer the songs we will sing in Bible clubs/VBS

We leave for Croatia in just two days. A friend of ours asked how he could pray for us and our trip; Pam wrote him the following and we wanted to share it with all of you and ask you to pray for the same. Thank you!

Prayer requests from Pam:

1. That our luggage will all make it with us. (We fly from Kansas City through Toronto, Canada, and Frankfurt, Germany, and land in Zagreb, Croatia.)

2. For good health for the team, including no sickness and good recovery from jet lag. (You can get really tired in the middle of the day but be wide awake at night!)

3. For good communication and relationships within the whole team of the missionaries, the four young adults, and our family, plus a different team also staying in the ministry house from the States, with whom we will interact a bit

4. For no rain and no super-hot days when we are doing the outdoor children’s Bible clubs, and for safety if the teens have a swim time in the shallow part of the river, if the water has gone down enough after the rain they’ve had. (The Roma kids don’t swim generally, and the team leader will give boundaries, as there’s no roped-off area.)

5. That the adults and older kids will stay to listen to the kids’ club so they get taught

6. For open hearts to God, for spiritual understanding, and that there won’t be distractions from the teaching. (One year someone was burning an old couch in the field; one day the ice cream truck came; sometimes there’s a fight between adults nearby in the village, or stray dogs come around!).

Thank you for praying!! Todd will be posting on our blog and sharing the link on Facebook, with pictures and fresh news of the day and prayer items.

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