Subject: Pray for upcoming Bible translation consultations

Roma translators at a training course in April

The Roma Bible translators have completed the assignments for their Principles of Bible Translation class which I will be grading soon.

From June 6-9 and June 27-July 1, I will be meeting over Zoom with the Roma Bible translators in Croatia and Serbia for the Arli, Chergash, and Gurbet languages for the consultant check of Matthew chapters 1-9 in these three languages.

From June 13-24 I will be meeting over Zoom with translators in Tanzania as part of my consultant training to help check Exodus chapters 1-20 in three African languages (Matengo, Mpoto and Ndendeule).

Please pray for much wisdom as I prepare and then consult for both of these consultant checks.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. We are encouraged as we see God continue to answer them.

Todd & Pamala Price

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