Subject: Pray for our team leader rushed to hospital; thank you for praying for my sermon

Pray for our team leader rushed to hospital; thank you for praying for my sermon          View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
1. Please pray for our team leader, Bob Hitching, in the hospital in Szekszárd, Hungary. He was found unconscious by the highway. They are performing tests on him now at the hospital; he is weak and short of breath but in very good spirits. He was driving, apparently on his way to Budapest, to meet his wife, Nancy, who is flying back from London today. She will arrive in Budapest in a few hours. We're thankful Bob was able to pull off the road before passing out.

The timing is sad also as Roma Bible Union is planning to hold a week-long retreat next week in Croatia which Bob was planning to lead.

2. In the past we had asked you to pray for our dear friend and fellow missionary to the Roma, Andrea, as she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and she and her husband and 5 children had to quickly return to the States for treatment. Awhile back she had gotten a clean bill of health; there was no more cancer. But yesterday at what was supposed to be the final follow-up appointment, they found something suspicious in one of her lymph nodes. They will now be doing a biopsy on that. Please pray as this is devastating news for Andrea and family.
I am humbled by all those who said that they were praying for me when I preached Sunday and for those who commented on the sermon afterwards. If you would perhaps like to hear it, it is here:
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