Subject: Pray for Matthew's surgery Friday morning in San Francisco

At the KC airport, Monday preparing to fly to San Francisco

Matthew and I are in San Francisco this week. Please pray for his surgery this Friday. He will check in at 5:30 am for his morning surgery which will last several hours. The goal is for the surgeon to successfully re-route nerves from his spinal accessory nerve and maybe from some intercostal (rib) nerves so that they will grow to give him function at the suprascapular and deltoid. Practically speaking, this means that after the nerves grow (over a year or two) he would be able to support his left shoulder and perhaps move the shoulder and upper arm. The surgeon will not know until she is in the middle of the operation what the conditions of his donor nerves are and to what degree they can be transferred. Please pray for much wisdom for the surgical team, for the complete success of the nerve transfers, for safety for Matthew, and then for quick recovery.

He will remain in the hospital over the weekend and we will find out early next week when he can be discharged and when we can fly home.

Daniel made this cheesecake for the 4th of July

Our neighbor friend, who is Ariela’s age, helped us explore a creek near our house

I recommend this book for practical pointers on praying for us and your other missionaries

Thank you all for your prayers!


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