Subject: Pray for Matthew's 8th surgery tomorrow

Thank you for praying for Matthew. The good news is that apparently the fluid which is collecting near his collar bone does not show signs of infection. The bad news is that it is chyle which is leaking from the lymphatic system (called a chylous leak). They have put Matthew on a low fat diet and are hoping that the leak will stop on its own.

Tomorrow he will have his 8th surgery and as far as we know they have not yet decided whether it will be the standard wound wash out/wound VAC replacement which has to be done every 2-5 days, or whether it will be the exploratory surgery we have been anticipating for so long. We are praying that it will be the exploratory surgery because until that is done we have no idea the full extent of the nerve avulsion and whether nerve implantation is possible.

Other than that news, today was uneventful at the hospital. Todd is taking the day shifts and Elizabeth the night shifts. Pamala, Daniel and Ariela will fly from Croatia into San Francisco very late on 2/8 and will stay here until 2/19. Elizabeth will be returning to Kansas City 2/9 in the morning.

Thank you for your prayers!

You all are an amazing blessing to us,
