Subject: Pray for Matthew in a severe motorcycle accident

Our 21-year old son, Matthew, had a severe motorcycle accident Saturday evening California time. He lost control and hit a guard rail on the highway. His left shoulder and arm were severely damaged, he lost a lot of blood, and his neck is broken. He is alive. He came through surgery but is still asleep. The surgeons do not know if he will be able to use his arm again (he is left-handed) and whether amputation will be necessary. The next 24 hours are critical as he comes out of anesthesia, and they are able to determine the extent of the nerve damage to the arm and whether the artery bypass will be successful so that he can keep his arm. They also do not know the extent of the neck injury and brain trauma. The initial brain scan was positive, but he is not awake yet.

Our second son, Jonathan, with whom Matthew lives, was at the ER for many hours. He is headed home now to sleep, and the hospital will let him and us know when Matthew is awake.

Please pray for comfort for each of our kids are they are spread out in Croatia, Germany, Kansas City, and California. Please pray for Matthew's full recovery and rehab, and for much wisdom for the surgeons who have to make hard decisions about keeping his arm. We are very thankful that Matthew is alive.