Subject: Please pray for disturbing situation

Pray for disturbing situation          View this email online if it doesn't display correctly

1. On Monday evening, one of my documents was not accepted at the border and I (Todd) was held for 6 hours, including being issued a formal accusation, finger printed and mug shots taken. Please pray that the Lord’s will will be done in this and that there would not be ramifications that would prevent me from traveling in and out of the country, or prevent us from living here.

2. Please pray for our team leader, Bob, who was rushed to the hospital last Thursday. He is home and will need to rest for several weeks. He is unable to attend the team retreat this week. Pray for the team as they are making decisions in light of Bob's need to rest and to restrict future travel and stress. (We are also unable to attend the retreat now.)

3.  Pray for no travel restrictions and for wisdom and fruitful meetings in Orlando, FL where I will be traveling next week. These very important meetings involve some essential new projects we are doing as part of our Bible translation work.

Thank you that we can come to you with these needs.
Todd & Pamala

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