Subject: Pamala, Daniel & Ariela are here with Matthew now

Pamala, Daniel, and Ariela arrived in San Francisco last night. Matthew and I are glad to have them here!

Unfortunately, someone mistakenly took Pam's bag at baggage claim, so they had no clean clothes when they arrived. But this morning, the person who accidentally took the bag returned it to the airport, and the airline had it delivered to our hotel.

We enjoyed staying the night at the Hilton near SFO, thanks to Stephen's generosity to let us use his points. Elizabeth was still here when they arrived, so it was nice for Pamala to catch up with her before Elizabeth had to Uber to the Oakland airport the following morning to return to KC.

Stephen's Hilton status got us into the exclusive lounge, where we had a lovely breakfast. Later we went to the store to get Matthew some clothes and get groceries for our stay here. Then we met up with Pastor John in downtown SF where he let us into the church's cottage and showed us around the property and the neighborhood.

Now we're with Matthew in his hospital room (see picture). It is great for Matthew to have his mother's tender touch and smile and hang out with his little brother and sister.

Please continue to pray for Matthew's skin grafts and chyle leak to heal. Pray also that we can get the full accident report from the California Highway Patrol, for the lawyer to have wisdom as he looks over it, and that we can contact the insurance company and get a helpful, positive response.

Thank you for praying,

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