Subject: Our new prayer card

Thank you for your prayers and financial support for this Bible translation ministry! Above is our new prayer card. Special thanks to a member of our church, Sydney Evans, for taking the picture and to our son, Matthew, for designing the card. We will be mailing out copies soon. If you don’t receive one in the mail in the next few weeks but would like one, let me know, and I will mail one to you.

We praise God for what He is doing in Bible translation. By His grace, our translation teams have completed over half of the NT in three Roma languages.

Each week, I meet with the Roma Bible translators on Zoom (see picture below) and check their work in the Arli, Chergash, and Gurbet languages, helping them ensure that their translations are accurate and clear and that they sound natural and appropriate. We are currently working on John 9.

We need $365 more per month in financial support pledges. We also need $10,000 in one-time gifts to send our family to Croatia next summer to take a team to run a VBS in a Roma village and host a teen Bible day camp. If you would like to give a one-time gift for our Croatia trip (account 151420), give monthly or increase your giving for our monthly support (account 110250), please use the giving information below. Thank you!

Being a Bible translation consultant involves staying educated about best practices in Bible translation theory and principles, as well as staying informed about advances in the study of Greek, Hebrew, linguistics, theology, and biblical studies. In light of that, this Fall, I had the privilege of attending a Bible translation conference in Dallas and two conferences in San Antonio (the Evangelical Theological Society and the Society of Biblical Literature). In addition to listening to many engaging papers, I was able to purchase some helpful books. Many books and journal articles are very expensive to purchase, and because I am not a student or teacher at a seminary, until now I have not had access to many of these resources online. However, at this last conference I attended, I learned about a new online service that gives me access to over one million books and journal articles, all for $10 per month. This will be a great help to me in the ministry!

Please continue to pray for God’s wisdom and empowerment as we work to translate God’s Word for Bible-less people.

Todd & Pamala (Daniel & Ariela) Price

Celebrating Thanksgiving with Pamala's mom & sisters (L-R: Val, Ruth, Barbie, Kim, Pamala)

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

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