Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for September 2024

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, click here to download.

September 1 Two years ago today, Ariela started piano lessons; praise God for great progress, bringing praise to Him through music

September 2 Praise God for Daniel learning skills & helping with Matthew’s house; pray for his flight home tomorrow after three weeks away

September 3 Pray for Todd & the elders to serve, teach, guide & care well for the church according to God’s good will

September 4 For Daniel & Ariela at their Wednesday school to represent Jesus well & share Him with others

September 5 Praise God for you, our faithful financial supporters, for giving to meet all of our needed financial support

September 6 Pray for a refreshing family reunion in KC with Pam’s side of the family over the next several days

September 7 Pray for a good time as sisters & families reflecting on God’s kind mercies through our parents

September 8 Pray for successful exercises, physical therapy & healing for Todd’s frozen shoulder

September 9 Pray God will raise up mother tongue translators to translate the rest of the Bible in Bayash & Ludari

September 10 Pray for Pam helping Ariela’s American Heritage Girls’ group learning etiquette using Grandma’s teacups for a tea party tonight

September 11 Pray for Todd & the Gurbet Bible translators for wisdom as they translate 1 Corinthians in the Gurbet language

September 12 Praise God for giving us good weather & safety on 8/24 when we got Pam’s mom’s furniture moved from her old apartment

September 13 Praise God for strength & efficiency as Pam & sisters have sorted & cleaned their mom’s apartment & storage

September 14 Pray Todd will be a blessing to his mom, Geri Price, visiting her in Oklahoma City this weekend

September 15 Pray for the teen girls in Sunday School as Pam teaches today

September 16 Pray for Todd as he checks the translations of 1 Corinthians in the Arli, Chergash & Gurbet languages

September 17 Pray for God to raise up more Bible translation consultants for the various languages in Europe that still need the Bible

September 18 Pray for a smooth arm-shortening surgery for Matthew & our potential visit to help him in Atlanta

September 19 Pray for salvation & godly living for the kids of missionaries, ours & others, from Bosnia, Croatia & Hungary

September 20 Pray for an accurate hearing test for Daniel & for tinnitus not to be a problem for him

September 21 Today is Todd’s 58th birthday. Pray for refreshment, encouragement & joy in the Lord today & in the coming year

September 22 Pray for good health & spiritual encouragement for our Pioneers teammates in Slavonski Brod, Croatia

September 23 Pray for effective reading & study time for Todd preparing for Bible translation consulting, teaching & writing

September 24 Pray for Todd & the Arli Bible translators for wisdom as they translate 1 Corinthians in the Arli language

September 25 Pray for Todd teaching a men’s Bible study on Revelation on Wednesday evenings at our church

September 26 Pray for Todd & the Chergash Bible translators for wisdom as they translate 1 Corinthians in Chergash

September 27 Pray for spiritual growth for Ariela, Daniel and other youth at our church’s discipleship weekend on Fri. & Sat.

September 28 Pray for Pam as she interacts with the youth girls at the conference, to encourage & help them

September 29 Pray as we give a report at our church about the outreach we had in Croatia this summer

September 30 Pray for God to raise up a church-planting team for the Roma near Sisak, Croatia

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PO Box 621329

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