Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for September 2023

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.

September 1 Pray for a fruitful online Bible translations conference today for The Word for the World

September 2 Pray Todd & Kirsten will be a blessing to his mom, Geri Price, as they visit her in Oklahoma City this weekend

September 3 Pray for Pam teaching Sunday School youth girls today on Exodus 1, followed by a teachers’ lunch meeting

September 4 Pray for wisdom for Todd preparing to teach Exegesis for Bible translators later this month in Serbia

September 5 Pray for the first American Heritage Girls’ meeting of the year to set a great tone in Ariela’s class as Pam leads

September 6 Pray for Todd and the team as they check the translation drafts of Acts, James & John in the Gurbet language

September 7 Pray for Todd and the team as they check the translation drafts of Acts, James & John in the Chergash language

September 8 Pray for wisdom for Todd studying to prepare to teach men’s Bible study on Wednesdays

September 9 Pray for a great first rehearsal of the Christmas program and wisdom for Pam leading it

September 10 Pray for Todd teaching adult Equipping Hour & Pam on worship team this morning at our church in Blue Springs, MO

September 11 Pray for Todd & Daniel attending a men’s monthly book study held at a fellow elder’s house, to learn & to be a blessing

September 12 Pray for Todd and the team as they check the translation drafts of James & the Gospel of John in the Arli language

September 13 Pray for Todd leading a men’s Bible study through 1 John at our church on Wednesdays

September 14 Pray for wisdom for Todd as he prepares to consult on the translations of Gospel of John in the Arli, Gurbet & Chergash languages

September 15 Pray we will be a blessing & help spread a missions vision this weekend speaking at Sully Community Church, Sully, IA

September 16 Pray for donors to pledge $565 more monthly for our missionary support (due to increase in health insurance & property taxes)

September 17 Praise God for Daniel’s tuning our piano, repairing things at home & 3D printing key chains for youth conference

September 18 Pray that each of our children will walk closely with the Lord & bring glory to Him in their daily lives

September 19 Pray for wisdom for Todd & the other elders at our home church (meeting this evening)

September 20 Pray for safety as Todd teaches Daniel to drive & for good progress to fulfill the mandatory number of practice hours

September 21 Today is Todd’s 57th birthday! Pray for the Lord’s wisdom & empowerment in all aspects of his life & ministry

September 22 Pray for wisdom as Pam writes the curriculum for next summer’s VBS in Croatia incl. crafts to prepare ahead of time

September 23 Pray for Todd flying to Serbia today, for rest on the flights, to make all the connections & bags to arrive on time

September 24 Pray Todd can quickly adjust to jet lag & have the energy to teach Exegesis in Serbia all this week

September 25 Pray for God’s guidance & enablement as Todd teaches Exegesis to Roma Bible translators

September 26 Praise God for Daniel’s reading teacher & his progress through the challenges of dyslexia

September 27 Praise God for protecting Jonathan from California wildfires as he had to evacuate last month

September 28 Pray that many Roma will read & listen to the Scriptures now translated into their languages

September 29 Praise God for one of our supporting churches increasing their monthly financial support for our work

September 30 Pray for Christmas program rehearsal, that the songs & script will help participants see God’s trustworthiness

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

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