Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for September 2021

And the LORD said to him,

“I have heard your prayer and your plea, which you have made before me.”

(1 Ki. 9:3 ESV)

(To download this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing, click here.) Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
2 Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you– you are my God. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day.
4 Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
(Ps. 86:1-4 ESDaily Prayer Calendar for September 2021

September 1 Pray that COVID travel restrictions into Croatia, Serbia & the US will not hinder our entry or travel over the next two weeks

September 2 Pray we can get all the audio recordings of Luke & the Bible stories in 4 languages uploaded to our website & YouTube

September 3 Pray that the printers in Croatia & Serbia will finish printing Luke and the book of Bible stories (1,500 copies) by Monday, Sept. 6

September 4 Pray Todd can get everything done before leaving for Serbia tomorrow, including final COVID test & packing

September 5 Pray for Todd traveling to Serbia today; for safety, rest on flights, & no delays due to COVID travel restrictions

September 6 Pray Todd can quickly get over jet lag & for safety for translation colleagues driving from Slovakia & Croatia

September 7 Pray we can distribute Luke & Bible stories in Arli & Gurbet languages in various towns in Serbia today through Friday

September 8 Pray for good meetings with Roma pastors & church leaders about working together on the Bible translation

September 9 Pray for safety as we travel many miles by car in Serbia; pray for open doors & divine appointments to share Scripture

September 10 Pray for Pierre as he meets translators, potential translators & church leaders to have wisdom planning next phase

September 11 Pray we can distribute Luke & Bible stories today in the Chergash language & for many to listen to the audio online

September 12 Pray for smooth border crossing into Croatia; pray for Sunday worship in Roma church & distribution of Scripture in Bayash language

September 13 Pray for successful testing out of draft of Luke in Ludari language in Slavonski Brod, Croatia

September 14 Pray Todd’s visit will be an encouragement to our teammates & pastor in Slavonski Brod, Croatia

September 15 Pray we can distribute Luke & Bible stories in print & audio to many in the Bayash language today & tomorrow

September 16 Pray that many Roma will listen to Luke & Bible stories on their phones & share it with many other Roma

September 17 Pray for safety for Todd flying back to the US today, as well as Pierre traveling home to Slovakia; pray for good rest for all of us

September 18 Pray Todd’s mom will get approved for Medicare ASAP to cover her nursing home stay

September 19 Pray for God to show himself strong to our adult children in their jobs

September 20 Pray for wisdom for Pam in home schooling & home managing; praise for a good start for this school year

September 21 Pray we can make good progress to finish Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Ludari language by January 2022

September 22 Pray for all of our children to have hearts like the good soil, to know Christ in salvation & bear much fruit for Him

September 23 Pray for good health for both our moms & for Pam’s mom to get her house packed to be ready to move to Kansas City

September 24 Pray for Todd’s sister’s hand palsy (which came on suddenly) to be healed

September 25 Pray for our believing children to grow spiritually & to daily follow Jesus with all their hearts

September 26 Pray for Matthew to get his prosthetic arm soon & that he can adjust quickly & learn to use it well

September 27 Pray for diligence & good learning for Kirsten this year as a high school sr./dual enrolled in college

September 28 Pray as we give our missions presentation to a group at John Knox Village in KC this morning

September 29 Pray for Bible translator, Nedeljko, to be able to receive two kidney transplants as soon as possible

September 30 Pray for Joy Hill as she adjusts to life back in Australia, for good housing, time with family & ministry work routine

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