Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for September 2020 (The Prices Write, part 2)


"O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah
(Ps. 84:8 ESV)"

(To get this prayer list formatted as a calendar for downloading, click here.)

September 1 Pray for good communication that we can accurately edit Luke 16-24 with the Arli language translators

September 2 Pray for a great job for Timothy & good progress on his college classes

September 3 Pray for Sasha, Kada, Alen, Todd & our translation consultant editing Luke in the Arli language over Zoom

September 4 Pray for details to come together for Todd to travel to Croatia in October for 2 weeks of Bible translating workshops

September 5 Pray for Kirsten to greatly benefit from her classes, & for safety & success learning to drive

September 6 Pray for rest, restoration, worship & edification today

September 7 Pray for Todd to make good progress editing the Bible translations we are doing in the 5 Roma languages

September 8 Todd’s dad turns 83 today. Praise God for the encouragement & help he’s been to us & so many others.

September 9 Pray for a great school year of learning for Daniel (age 12)

September 10 Pray for successful editing of Luke 16-24 in the Chergash language in our Zoom meetings

September 11 Pray for Djena, Biljana, Todd & our consultant editing Luke in the Chergash language

September 12 Pray God will speak through us at Sully Community Church (Sully, Iowa) today & tomorrow

September 13 Pray for Todd preaching at Sully Community Church (Sully, Iowa), teaching Sunday School & an evening service

September 14 Pray for energy & wisdom as Elizabeth ministers to the homeless at Restart & Stephen finishes the police academy

September 15 Pray for Zoki & Stanoje to make diligent, faithful, accurate progress in their Bible translation work in Ludari language

September 16 Pray for spiritual growth as Matthew processes his arm loss & for nerve healing & recovery of movement

September 17 Pray for wisdom & good communication as we edit Luke chapters 16-24 in the Gurbet language via Zoom meetings

September 18 Pray for Goran, Naki, Todd & our consultant for clarity & accuracy editing Luke in the Gurbet language

September 19 Pray for God to use us at Master’s Community Church’s missions conference today & tomorrow in Kansas City, KS

September 20 Pray for Todd preaching at Master’s Community Church, (Kansas City, KS) this morning

September 21 Today is Todd’s 53rd birthday. Pray for encouragement, refreshment & the Lord’s continual strength & guidance

September 22 Pray for good communication & fruitful editing of Luke 20-24 in the Bayash language (especially during Zoom meetings)

September 23 Pray for Natasha, Renata, Todd & our consultant for clarity & accuracy editing Luke in the Bayash language

September 24 Pray we can get the flooring replaced in Todd’s parents’ home tomorrow & that Mom & Dad will do well in the hotel

September 25 Praise for family reunion for Pam’s side last month; pray for wisdom for her mom downsizing her home

September 26 Pray for stamina organizing Todd’s parents’ house & taking care of paperwork, bills & other financial concerns

September 27 Pray for Todd preaching at Metropolitan Bible Church, OKC, this morning

September 28 Pray for Jonathan to experience Jesus as the one who meets his deepest needs

September 29 Pray for wisdom for Pam as she home schools & mothers many ages

September 30 Pray for a great school year for Ariela; praise for Wed. group classes for her & Daniel

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