Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for October 2023

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.

October 1 Pray Todd will quickly get over jet lag & adjust to the US time zone & stay healthy after his trip to Serbia

October 2 Pray for Todd & Daniel attending monthly book study with other church men, to be a blessing to them

October 3 Pray for God’s guidance & empowerment for Todd & the other elders of our church (meeting tonight)

October 4 Pray for Todd teaching men’s Bible study Wednesday nights on 1 John at our church

October 5 Today is Barbie Hughes’ (Pam’s mom’s) 93rd birthday. Praise God for her health & her faithful sharing of the Gospel

October 6 Pray Todd & Daniel will be a blessing to Todd’s mom, Geri, as they visit her in OKC this weekend

October 7 Pray for Christmas program rehearsal today & 10/28, that songs & script will help participants see God’s trustworthiness

October 8 Pray for safety as Todd teaches Daniel to drive & for good progress to fulfill the mandatory number of practice hours

October 9 Pray for good health for our teammates in Croatia, Andy, Lim, Sergej & Želka & for the encouragement of spiritual fruit

October 10 Praise God for progress in piano lessons for Ariela & for her teacher being so good & kind

October 11 Pray for Todd and the team as they check the translation draft of the Gospel of John in the Gurbet language

October 12 Pray for Todd traveling to Dallas & attending Bible translation conference through 10/17

October 13 Pray for Pam & Ariela at a campout with American Heritage Girls, for godly mentoring

October 14 Pray for Todd to learn much thru Bible translation conference & have fruitful meetings with other translators there

October 15 Pray for Pam as she teaches Sunday School for Jr. High & Sr. High girls, for good learning in Exodus 7

October 16 Pray that many Roma will read & listen to the Scriptures now translated into their languages

October 17 Pray for donors to pledge $545 more monthly for our missionary support (due to increase in health insurance & property taxes)

October 18 Pray for wisdom as Pam writes the curriculum for next summer’s VBS in Croatia incl. crafts to prepare ahead of time

October 19 Pray for wisdom for Todd as he prepares to consult on the translations of Gospel of John in the Arli, Gurbet & Chergash languages

October 20 Pray for adults & teens in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, to come to know Christ personally

October 21 Pray for Elizabeth as she runs a half marathon this morning & for a growing daily walk with Jesus

October 22 Pray we can reconnect well as we speak at North Cedar Baptist Church, Cedar Falls, IA, this morning

October 23 Pray for God’s mercy of salvation for family members who need it

October 24 Pray for Todd and the team as they check the translation draft of the Gospel of John in the Arli language

October 25 Praise God for giving us good health, safety & energy to serve God & love others

October 26 Pray for Todd and the team as they check the translation draft of John in the Chergash language

October 27 Pray for Pam hosting a Sunday school girls’ event, for good connecting & mentoring of the girls, along w/ the two other teachers

October 28 Pray as we speak at the missions conference of The Master’s Community Church this weekend in Kansas City, KS

October 29 Pray for our kids who know Jesus to have a growing delight in Christ & God’s Word

October 30 Pray for salvation of Roma in Sisak, Croatia, the village where we did VBS this summer

October 31 Happy Reformation Day! Pray for revival & reformation among the Roma of former Yugoslavia

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PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

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