Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for October 2022; "How to Hear the Word of God" sermon

This is a sermon I preached at our home church, CrossWay Bible Church, Blue Springs, MO, earlier this month, on the subject of how to read (or listen) to the Bible. I hope it will be a blessing to you for God's glory.

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.

October 1 Praise God for safe travels to & from Slovakia, a great conference with the translators & a successful week of teaching

October 2 Pray for edifying & refreshing Sundays for us…and for yourselves!

October 3 Pray for fruitful men’s Bible study for Todd & Daniel attending monthly at the home of one of our elders

October 4 Pray for Pam’s missions presentation tonight at Ariela’s American Heritage Club

October 5 Today is Pam’s mom’s 92nd birthday! Praise she is healthy & lives near us.

October 6 Pray for Todd & the Chergash translators for clarity & accuracy as we work together translating Matthew 22-28, Titus & Philemon

October 7 Pray for many Roma to read & listen to the recently released translations of Gospel of Luke & 50 chronological Bible stories in 5 languages

October 8 Pray for us as a family to enjoy & be edified through our family devotions & good Bible teaching & sermons

October 9 Pray for Pam as she teaches Ariela’s Sunday school class & sings on the worship team regularly on Sundays

October 10 Pray that God will draw to Himself each of our children who need salvation, as well as their friends

October 11 Pray for Roma Bible translators to learn much when doing homework assignments for the translation classes they had in Slovakia

October 12 Pray for Todd & the Gurbet translators for clarity & accuracy as we work together translating Matthew 24-28, Titus & Philemon

October 13 Pray for our kids who are believers to respond to God’s truth in their priorities & in every area of their lives

October 14 Praise God for our generous monthly financial supporters! Pray God will bless & provide for them (you!) abundantly.

October 15 Pray for us to be a blessing to Todd’s mom as we visit her at her Oklahoma City nursing home this weekend

October 16 Pray for Todd preaching this morning at One Hope Community Church, Oklahoma City, OK

October 17 Pray for the Arli, Gurbet & Chergash teams as they edit their translations of Matthew, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, & Philemon

October 18 Pray that our children (both adults & younger ones) will pray & experience God’s involvement in their lives

October 19 Pray for good attendance & for God’s empowerment for Todd & Pam teaching Bible studies at our church on Wednesdays

October 20 Pray we can be a blessing to supporter friends who are visiting us tonight for supper from out of state

October 21 Pray for fruitful missions conference this weekend at The Master’s Community Church, KS, KS

October 22 Pray for wisdom for Todd grading Bible translation course assignments from Roma translators

October 23 Pray for Todd preaching at The Master’s Community Church, KC, KS, for God to be glorified & His church edified

October 24 Pray for wisdom for Todd as he checks the translations of Matthew 24-28, Titus & Philemon in Arli, Chergash & Gurbet

October 25 Pray for Todd & the Arli translators for clarity & accuracy as we work together translating Matthew 24-28, Titus & Philemon

October 26 Pray for fruitfulness & diligence for home schooling & for Wednesday classes for Daniel & Ariela, & for Pam as she teaches

October 27 Praise for Ariela’s piano lessons each Thursday; pray that she will be able to worship through music

October 28 Pray that our monthly financial support will remain at our current level of full support. Praise God for providing all we need!

October 29 Pray for Roma who have Scriptures in their language to believe & apply it in their own lives

October 30 Pray for spiritual fruit in our Roma village in Croatia through our teammates’ Bible studies, children’s clubs & services

October 31 Happy 505th Reformation Day! Pray for true reformation & revival in the US, as well as among the Roma of former Yugoslavia

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