Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for November 2021

“Listen to Your servant’s prayer and his petition, LORD my God, so that You may hear the cry and the prayer that Your servant prays before You”
(2 Chr. 6:19 CSB)

(Click here to download this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing out.)

November 1 Pray for God’s will for a closing date on a house in Belton, MO, we’ve made an offer on; pray for His provision of long-term housing for us

November 2 Pray for God’s will to be done through today’s elections

November 3 Pray for Pam’s mom, 91, packing to move from Dallas, TX, to Belton, MO, to be close to Pam’s sister, Kim, and us

November 4 Pray for new jobs for Timothy & Matthew, & wisdom for Jonathan deciding between grad school & a new job

November 5 Pray for each of our children to know and love Jesus, and walk with him every day

November 6 Pray for Kirsten to finish her A.A. at Calvary University by next summer, for life application of the Scriptures, & for wisdom for next steps after school

November 7 Pray that many Roma will read the printed copies of Luke & our Bible stories which we distributed in Croatia & Serbia

November 8 Pray for our Roma partners & churches in Croatia & Serbia to wisely distribute the remaining copies of Luke & Bible stories we gave them

November 9 Today is Timothy’s 31st birthday! Pray for a year of peace & joy in the Lord, freedom from fear & close community with friends

November 10 Pray for Bible translator, Nedeljko, to be able to receive two kidney transplants as soon as possible

November 11 Pray for wisdom for Pierre as he plans the next phase of our Bible translation in the 5 Roma languages

November 12 Pray God will provide 1 or 2 more qualified translators for the Arli language Bible translation

November 13 Praise God that Ariela can be in singing, acting & dancing performances in her home school coop program & her dance class

November 14 Pray for teammates, Andy & Lim, in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, to be encouraged & to see God working in the Roma community

November 15 Pray for Sergej, Zoki & Stanoja as they continue to check, test, & edit Luke in the Ludari language, for an accurate & clear translation

November 16 Pray for 2 qualified translators for the next phase of translation into the Ludari language (after we finish Luke & 50 Bible stories)

November 17 Pray for Pierre & The Seed Company for wisdom preparing the budget for the next phase of Bible translations in the Roma languages

November 18 Pray God will provide 1 or 2 more qualified translators for the Gurbet language Bible translation

November 19 Pray for Pierre & our colleagues to wisely chose translators & set up new teams for the rest of the Bible translation work

November 20 Pray that many Roma will listen to and read Luke & our Bible stories through our websites, YouTube and social media posts

November 21 Pray for encouragement for Pastor Darko & his wife in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, the city where we used to live & where our teammates attend

November 22 Pray God will provide 2 or 3 qualified translators for the Bayash language Bible translation

November 23 Pray we can make good progress to finish Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Ludari language by end of January 2022

November 24 Pray for good health for both our moms & for Pam’s mom to get her house packed to be ready to move to Kansas City in December

November 25 Happy Thanksgiving! Praise God for His goodness & faithfulness which gives us security in changing times.

November 26 Pray God will provide 2 or 3 qualified Bible translators for the Chergash language

November 27 Pray for funding to pay for more Bible translation work in each of the 5 Roma languages

November 28 Pray for teammates, Sergej & Željka, in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, teaching the Scriptures to Roma & working on Bible translation

November 29 Pray for safe travels for Pam & her sisters traveling to Dallas to help their mom move

November 30 Praise God that Todd’s sister’s hand is getting better after developing hand palsy

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10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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