Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for May 2021

I lift my hands to you in prayer.
I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain.
(Ps. 143:6 NLT)

(Click here to download this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing out.))

May 1 Pray we can get a lot of mom & dad’s unneeded belongings out of the house this weekend in time for free pickup by the city

May 2 Pray for wisdom as we & our translation consultant check Luke chapters 9-16 this week & next

May 3 Praise God for providing an opening for Todd’s mom at a nursing home in Oklahoma City & for her successful move there

May 4 Pray Todd’s mom will get approved for Medicare ASAP to cover her nursing home stay

May 5 Praise God for our church’s great kids’ programs (tonight is last one this semester) & for friends Ariela has made there

May 6 Pray we can quickly sell, donate or store the remaining things at Todd’s mom’s house since she has now moved out

May 7 Praise God for good recovery for Pamala from surgery; pray for continued healing.

May 8 Pray the team can successfully make audio recording of 50 Bible stories in the Bayash language

May 9 Pray for a meaningful Mother’s Day for Pam’s mom in TX, for Pam, and for Todd’s mom in OKC as we visit her today

May 10 Pray for Arli language Bible translator as he works on checking spelling, glossary, biblical key terms in Luke, & translates Gospel of John

May 11 Pray for a full-time job for Matthew in UX (user experience), preferably in Kansas City or Atlanta

May 12 Pray our insurance will approve an electronic prosthetic arm for Matthew & that he can be fitted with it soon

May 13 Pray for team to finish recording 50 Bible stories in the Chergash language & checking spelling & key biblical terms in Gospel of Luke

May 14 Pray for safety as we travel to Wisconsin for our nephew’s wedding today through Sunday. Praise for a family reunion during this time!

May 15 Pray the team can make good progress testing Luke in Ludari with other speakers & doing the next edit of the draft of Luke

May 16 Thank God for providing for us & the Bible translation ministry financially each month & for your part in it!

May 17 Pray for continued stamina for Kirsten as she is taking summer college classes & for her to learn well & grow spiritually through it

May 18 Pray for wisdom & health for Sergej as he helps the team in checking, editing & formatting Gospel of Luke in the Ludari language

May 19 Pray for spiritual & emotional strength for Elizabeth & Stephen as they help others through their careers

May 20 Pray for time & success reading & taking other training needed for Todd to get credentialed as a Bible translation consultant

May 21 Pray for healing or kidney transplant for Bayash translator, Nedeljko, & God’s provision for his family financially

May 22 Pray for a great time with Jonathan visiting us from San Francisco today through 5/30, for God’s Spirit to work powerfully during our time

May 23 Pray for refreshment & edification today & each Lord’s day for us & our children

May 24 Pray for good health, stamina & financial support for teammate Joy Hill in Hungary doing formatting of Bible translation projects

May 25 Pray the team can finish checking glossary & key biblical terms in Gospel of Luke in the Gurbet language

May 26 Praise for new glasses for Daniel which are helping with his headaches & with reading challenges

May 27 Today is our 32nd wedding anniversary! Pray for a continued strong marriage which will bring much glory to God.

May 28 Pray for Matthew to grow in trust in Christ & for emotional healing from the accident & arm loss

May 29 Pray for Daniel & Ariela performing in Peter Pan Jr. musical with their home school co-op

May 30 Praise for Timothy’s helpfulness moving Todd’s mom’s furniture to the nursing home last month

May 31 Pray for Sasha & Goran to have wisdom in their roles in the Bible translation projects in Croatia & Serbia

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