Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for June 2022 (The Prices Write, part 2)

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June 1 Pray for wisdom for Todd as he prepares to check the translations of Matthew 1-9 in Arli, Chergash & Gurbet

June 2 Pray for wisdom for Todd preparing to check translations of Exodus 1-20 in 3 languages in Tanzania, Africa

June 3 Pray for a car for Kirsten, for full-time work & to walk with God

June 4 Pray God will provide a second car for us that Todd can use on trips to Oklahoma City to visit his mom

June 5 Pray for strength & wisdom for Pam unpacking & organizing our new home & for parenting

June 6 Pray for Todd & the Roma translators as we check early chapters of Matthew each day this week

June 7 Pray for good health, stamina, good communication & good Internet connection this week checking Matthew

June 8 Pray for wisdom for Todd grading Bible translation course assignments from Roma translators

June 9 Pray for good home church for Elizabeth & Stephen, good friends there & good involvement regularly

June 10 Pray many Roma would read & listen to the new translations of Luke & 50 Bible stories in their languages

June 11 Praise God for all the friends & family who helped us move last month!

June 12 Pray for edification & refreshing rest for us on Sundays

June 13 Pray for Todd & African translators as we check Exodus 1-20 each day this week & next week

June 14 Today is Stephen & Elizabeth’s anniversary! Pray for strong marriage amidst highly stressful jobs.

June 15 Pray for good, steady Internet connections for the African translators these next two weeks

June 16 Pray for the Arli, Gurbet & Chergash teams as they edit their translations of Gospel of Matthew

June 17 Pray for Matthew’s outstanding hospital bills from Jan./Feb. 2020 to be resolved in his favor

June 18 Pray for Todd’s mom, Geri Price (83), in the nursing home in Oklahoma City

June 19 Happy Father’s Day! Thank God for the good fathers he gave to us.

June 20 Pray for Daniel at camp this week for spiritual growth, social & skill development & fun

June 21 Pray for Pam’s mom, Barbie Hughes (91), living near us in Belton, MO

June 22 Pray for Timothy’s job to be full-time with insurance benefits. Pray for good friends & interaction at church

June 23 Pray for team in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, to have wisdom & grace working daily in the Roma village

June 24 Pray that God would open hearts of many Roma to understand the Gospel & follow Jesus

June 25 Pray for the salvation of family members and loved ones who still need Jesus

June 26 Pray for Ariela at camp this week for spiritual growth, good friendships, learning & fun

June 27 Pray for Todd & the Roma translators as we check early chapters of Matthew each day this week

June 28 Pray for health & safety for Jonathan & for the Lord to work powerfully in his life

June 29 Pray for good learning for Todd & that he can complete his consultant training in a timely fashion

June 30 Pray for God’s timing to provide translators to finish New Testament in the Bayash and Ludari languages

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