Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for July 2023

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.

July 1 Pray for Roma in the Sisak village to be home when we invite them for VBS

July 2 Pray for great attendance & perfect weather daily for VBS & for good health for all the missionaries

July 3 Pray the Holy Spirit will make the Gospel clear to the Roma in Sisak, Croatia

July 4 Pray for many Roma to follow Jesus despite the cost

July 5 Pray for spiritual & physical protection for pre-/teens at day camp in Sisak

July 6 Pray for open hearts to Jesus & good rapport with pre-/teens at day camp in Sisak

July 7 Pray for refreshment as we finish the week in Sisak, Croatia & enjoy a tourism day

July 8 Pray for safe travels for 4 college students returning to US today & for us & Pioneers team driving to Slavonski Brod

July 9 Praise for the joy of being with fellow believers in the Croatian church in Slavonski Brod

July 10 Pray we will encourage the translators & friends we visit in Croatia

July 11 Pray we will speak as if speaking the very words of God as we interact with people in Croatia

July 12 Pray for safe, smooth flights back to Kansas City via Brussels, Belgium, & Washington DC today

July 13 Pray for deep sleep for us & for recovery from jet lag

July 14 Pray for Todd at elders’ retreat today & tomorrow, for God’s guidance for our church’s elders

July 15 Pray as we prepare to teach missions at VBS 16-20th at our church in Blue Springs, MO

July 16 Pray for Pam singing on worship team & at VBS, that it will minister to others & help them worship

July 17 Pray for Ariela & her cousin at Bible camp this week, to grow spiritually & make good friends

July 18 Pray our church in Blue Springs, MO, will have a team for Croatia next summer

July 19 Pray for VBS attendees at our church to be challenged to spend their lives on obeying the Great Commission

July 20 Pray for salvation decisions of campers & family members at our church’s VBS this week

July 21 Pray for Todd as he studies & prepares to advise & consult on the translations of Acts in the Arli, Chergash & Gurbet languages

July 22 Pray Todd will be a blessing to his mom, Geri, visiting her at her nursing home in OKC this weekend

July 23 Pray we will be edified in our daily family Bible reading & worship time

July 24 Pray that each of our children will walk closely with the Lord & bring glory to Him in their daily lives

July 25 Pray for our team as they and Todd check the translation drafts of Acts, James & John in the Arli language

July 26 Pray for our team as they and Todd check the translation drafts of Acts, James & John in the Chergash language

July 27 Pray for our team as they and Todd check the translation drafts of Acts, James & John in the Gurbet language

July 28 Pray that many Roma will read & listen to the Scriptures now translated into their languages

July 29 Pray for safety as Todd teaches Daniel to drive & for good progress to fulfill the mandatory number of practice hours

July 30 Pray for spiritual refreshment each Sunday

July 31 Pray for churches & individuals to pledge $209 more per month for our missionary support

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

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