Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for July 2022

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July 1 Pray for wisdom for Todd consulting for the translation of Exodus in three languages spoken in Tanzania

July 2 Praise God for providing a second car for us! Pray Todd will be a blessing to his mom, driving down to visit her this weekend in Okla. City

July 3 Praise God for Pam getting almost done setting up our home & for His provision of rugs, curtains, etc.

July 4 Praise God for the freedoms we enjoy! Happy Independence Day!

July 5 Praise that Ariela & Pam can help our neighbor by watching her three children during the birth of their fourth child

July 6 Pray for wisdom for Todd grading Bible translation course assignments from Roma translators

July 7 Pray for wisdom for Todd as he prepares to check the translations of Matthew chapters 10-28 in Arli, Chergash & Gurbet

July 8 Pray for good learning for Todd attending online training for oral Bible translation today

July 9 Pray many Roma would read & listen to the new translations of Luke & 50 Bible stories in their languages

July 10 Pray for edification & rest for us on Sundays; praise for the joy it is for Pam to sing regularly on our worship team

July 11 Pray for Todd & Pam presenting how missions is done around the world this week at our church’s VBS

July 12 Praise God for Ariela helping lead song actions at VBS & Pam helping lead singing

July 13 Praise God for helpful consultation training for Todd via Zoom with translators in Tanzania last month

July 14 Pray for the Arli, Gurbet & Chergash teams as they edit their translations of Matthew, 1-2 Timothy & Titus

July 15 Praise God that Matthew’s outstanding hospital bills from Jan./Feb. 2020 were resolved in his favor!

July 16 Praise God for kind neighbors & peaceful atmosphere in our new neighborhood

July 17 Pray for good home church for Elizabeth & Stephen, good friends there & good involvement regularly

July 18 Pray for quality summer school time for Daniel & Ariela this month after moving house in May

July 19 Praise for Pam’s mom’s (Barbie’s) heart doing so well & for medication to prevent arrhythmia

July 20 Pray for Timothy’s job to be full-time with insurance benefits. Pray for good friends & interaction at church

July 21 Pray for the love & light of Jesus to shine through us wherever we live

July 22 Pray for the Roma village of Slavonski Brod that many will gladly receive Luke & Bible when they are handed out

July 23 Pray for the salvation of family members and loved ones who still need Jesus

July 24 Pray for Gospel of Luke & Bible stories to be well-received next weekend in Sisak, Croatia

July 25 Pray for Todd checking Matthew in 3 Roma languages & preparing to consult translators on those passages

July 26 Pray for health & safety for Jonathan & for the Lord to work powerfully in his life

July 27 Pray for Kirsten to discover the kind of work she enjoys & to experience Jesus & His joy firsthand

July 28 Pray for safety traveling & for us to be a blessing to Todd’s mom tonight in Oklahoma City

July 29 Praise God for visits in TX & for time this evening with Pam’s family gathering there

July 30 Pray for God’s special blessing on our niece, Victoria Morrison, getting married today in Denton, TX

July 31 Pray as we speak today at Cedar Creek Baptist Church, Whitney, TX, for God to be glorified & many to gain a vision for missions

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