Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for July 2021 (The Prices Write, part 2)

 “…and after that God was moved by prayer for the land.”
(2 Sam. 21:14 NASB95)

(To download this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing, click here.) Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
2 Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you– you are my God. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day.
4 Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
(Ps. 86:1-4 ESDaily Prayer Calendar for July 2021

July 1 Pray for God’s will regarding the possibility of an additional funding source for the Roma Bible translation projects

July 2 Pray for Bible translator, Nedeljko, to be able to receive two kidney transplants as soon as possible

July 3 Pray for Jonathan, for God’s work & provision in his life as he plans to begin graduate school in math

July 4 Pray that many in the USA will turn to Jesus & submit to Him as their King. (Happy Independence Day!)

July 5 Pray we can finalize & print copies of Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Arli language by August & distribute them in September

July 6 Pray Todd’s mom will get approved for Medicare ASAP to cover her nursing home stay

July 7 Pray that the translators can finish recording the audio of 50 Bible stories in the Bayash language

July 8 Praise for Pam’s mom’s good health at 90, living on her own, close to Pam’s sister in Dallas

July 9 Pray we can finalize & print copies of Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Chergash language by August & distribute them in September

July 10 Pray for refreshment & spiritual growth for Elizabeth during time with friends; pray for safety on the job for her & Stephen

July 11 Pray for a great week growing spiritually for Daniel at Bible camp this week

July 12 Pray for perseverance for Kirsten with Bible college summer classes, & for a tender heart spiritually

July 13 Pray we can make good progress to finish Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Ludari language by January 2022

July 14 Pray our insurance will approve an electronic prosthetic arm for Matthew & that he can be fitted with it soon

July 15 Praise God we will be able to see Pam’s dad, Mal, in person in August at his memory care center near in Dallas

July 16 Pray we can finalize & print copies of Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Gurbet language by August & distribute them in September

July 17 Pray for colleague, Joy Hill, as she manages administrative ministry in Budapest & plans for her trip to Australia

July 18 Pray for a great week growing spiritually for Ariela at Bible camp this week

July 19 Pray for wisdom for Pamala for home school planning & home management

July 20 Pray we can finalize & print copies of Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Bayash language by August & distribute them in September

July 21 Pray for the Ludari Bible translators with no air conditioning to be able to concentrate in the summer heat, or for cooler temperatures

July 22 Pray for time & success reading & taking other training needed for Todd to get credentialed as a Bible translation consultant

July 23 Pray for Timothy to get in a line of work in which he will thrive, for spiritual growth & for good friends & fellowship

July 24 Pray for safe & refreshing trip to Freeport, Illinois

July 25 Pray for the Lord to use us powerfully as we speak at Zion Church in Freeport, IL this morning

July 26 For us & our family & the Bible translators & their families to each follow Jesus wholeheartedly every day

July 27 Pray that The Word for the World can set up the new infrastructure in Croatia & Serbia to help with our Bible translation projects

July 28 Pray for emotional strength & encouragement for Todd’s sister & mom with Dad’s memorial service on Friday

July 29 Pray for safe travel as we go to Oklahoma City as a family for Todd’s dad’s memorial service

July 30 Today is the memorial for Todd’s dad, Max Price, at Spring Creek Baptist Church, Oklahoma City

July 31 Praise God for quality orthodontic work easily accessible here in the States; pray it will be successful for Daniel’s needs

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