Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for January 2023

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.

January 1 Pray that many Roma would come to know and following Christ in 2023!

January 2 Pray for Christmas ministry among our Roma, that many will have open hearts to the Gospel

January 3 Pray for consistent work hours for Timothy & to get additional job as needed

January 4 Pray for Jonathan as he returns home to California after visiting us & for God to work powerfully in his life

January 5 Pray for summer teamers to join us this summer in Croatia to help run a week of VBS clubs for Roma kids

January 6 Praise God that Pam’s 92-year-old mom enjoys good health & could attend a Messiah sing-along, her Christmas wish

January 7 Today is Serbian Christmas. Pray that many more Roma in Serbia will know Jesus as personal Lord & Savior

January 8 Pray for Pam teaching Ariela’s Sunday school class today, for the youth girls to have receptive hearts

January 9 Pray for Todd, Daniel & other men meeting tonight for our monthly book study at the home of one of our elders

January 10 Pray for efficiency & wisdom for Todd as he grades Bible translation course assignments from Roma translators

January 11 Pray for Todd & the Gurbet translators for clarity & accuracy translating Gospel of Mark

January 12 Pray for Todd & the Chergash translators for clarity & accuracy as we translate the Gospel of Mark

January 13 Pray for our family for edifying times together in our family Bible reading & worship time

January 14 Today is Serbian New Year’s Day. Pray that this new year many Roma in Serbia will find new life in Christ.

January 15 Pray for Todd teaching the adult equipping hour at our home church this morning

January 16 Pray for each of our children to love God & follow Jesus wholeheartedly, walking in the fear of the Lord

January 17 Pray for the Arli, Gurbet & Chergash teams as they edit their translations of the Gospel of Mark & Acts

January 18 Pray for Todd & Pam as they each lead a Bible study Wednesday nights at our church

January 19 Praise God for Ariela’s progress with piano lessons & the Christmas Eve duet she could play for God’s glory

January 20 Pray for wisdom for Todd as he checks the translations of Mark & Acts in the Arli, Chergash & Gurbet languages

January 21 Pray for edifying Bible conference for the men from our church who are attending today in Emporia, KS

January 22 Pray for God to be praised & worship to be enriched through Pam’s singing on our church’s worship team

January 23 Pray for our family members each to know Jesus personally; praise God for time together in December

January 24 Praise God for progress for Daniel’s reading lessons for dyslexia & for his wonderful teacher

January 25 Pray for Pam teaching at, & Daniel & Ariela attending, Mighty Roots Academy on Wednesdays

January 26 Pray for many Roma to read & listen to the newly translated Gospel of Luke & Bible stories in their languages

January 27 Pray for fruitful evangelistic & discipleship ministries in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, with Pastor Darko & Baptist church

January 28 Pray for an encouraging visit for Todd seeing his mom, Geri Price, in OKC this weekend

January 29 Praise God for each one who gives financially to support the ministry of Bible translation for the Roma!

January 30 Pray for safety driving on winter roads & pray for good health for us this winter

January 31 Pray for Todd & the Arli translators for clarity & accuracy as we translate the Gospel of Mark

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