Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for January 2021 (The Prices Write, part 2)


  But I, O LORD, cry to you; in the morning my prayer comes before you. (Ps. 88:13 ESV)

(To download this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing, click here.) Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
2 Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you– you are my God. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day.
4 Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
(Ps. 86:1-4 ESDaily Prayer Calendar for January 2021


January 1 Pray that in 2021 we can complete translation, printing & audio recording of Luke & 50 Bible stories in 5 Roma languages

January 2 Praise God for generous donors providing our financial support in 2020!

January 3 Pray we can successfully delegate payroll & financial administration of our Bible translation projects to a new team

January 4 Pray for God’s wisdom & power as we check & edit Luke 21-24 in the Arli language with our consultant this week and next

January 5 Pray for healing or kidney transplant for Bayash translator, Nedeljko & God’s provision for his family

January 6 Pray for accurate & clear translation of Luke chapters 20-24 in the Ludari language

January 7 Pray for God’s guidance & enablement as we edit & check Luke 18-24 in the Chergash language this week and next week

January 8 Pray for the successful audio recording of Luke & the rest of Bible stories in the Arli language

January 9 Pray for a supportive, spiritual network of friends for Elizabeth & Stephen

January 10 Pray for enjoyable & pain-free days for Todd’s parents & for additional in-home care for the weekends for them

January 11 Pray for diligence for Timothy in his computer science studies

January 12 Pray for Jonathan to experience the great love & mercy God offers through Jesus

January 13 Pray for wisdom & progress for Todd checking & editing Luke chapters 20-24 in the Ludari language

January 14 Pray our insurance will approve an electronic prosthetic arm for Matthew & that he can be fitted for that soon

January 15 Pray for strength & wisdom for Todd’s sister as she helps with Todd’s parents’ daily needs

January 16 Pray Daniel will be able to start getting braces within a year, not the 3 years projected for those on the waiting list

January 17 Pray for Kirsten to learn well through her classes at Calvary University & for an open heart spiritually

January 18 Pray for good audio recording progress for Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Bayash language

January 19 Pray we can test out Luke 17-24 with Ludari speakers & get feedback to make sure it is clear, accurate & understandable

January 20 Pray for good audio recording progress for Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Chergash language

January 21 Pray for Sergej helping with Ludari Bible translation & for progress in testing, editing & correcting Luke

January 22 Pray for Pam’s parents, Mal & Barb, for joy each day & good visits together at Mal’s memory center

January 23 Praise for Bayash translator, Natasha’s, pregnancy; pray for a healthy baby to come to full term & for a safe birth

January 24 Pray for teammate, Joy Hill, for wisdom & progress formatting Bible translations & in administrative ministry

January 25 Pray we can edit & check Luke 18-24 in Gurbet language & complete it in the next couple of weeks

January 26 Praise that Ariela & Daniel can be in Wednesday afternoon acting course

January 27 Pray for wisdom, accuracy & fast progress for Todd checking Luke chapters 1-3, and 6-16 in the Ludari language

January 28 Praise for St. Louis nerve specialist testing & appointment this month for Matthew

January 29 Pray for wisdom for Pam homeschooling & helping Daniel with reading & spelling/vision challenges

January 30 Pray for wisdom for possible workers in the future for translating the rest of the NT in the 5 Roma languages

January 31 Pray for Matthew for healing & growth for nerves & spiritually & emotionally

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10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832


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