Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for January 2020 (The Prices Write, part 2)

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“But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.”
(Psalm 66:19 ESV)

Daily Prayer Calendar for January 2020

(For this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing, go here).

January 1 Pray that 2020 will be a year of spiritual transformation for many Roma through God’s Word in their languages

January 2 Pray God will use the 50 Bible stories in Bayash & Croatian to transform lives for God’s glory

January 3 Pray we can print & distribute 50 Bible stories in Gurbet & Serbian & for God to use them glorify His name

January 4 Pray for edifying time with Kirsten while she is home from Germany on school break until Monday

January 5 Pray for the salvation of many Roma in the village near us

January 6 Pray we can register our Bible translation organization with the local government this month

January 7 Pray we can print & distribute 50 Bible stories in Arli & Serbian & for God to glorify Himself through them

January 8 Pray the Lord will use the printed booklets of Luke 1-2 in Gurbet, Arli, Chergash & Bayash to build His kingdom

January 9 Pray we can print & distribute 50 Bible stories in Chergash & Serbian & for the Lord to use it to build His church

January 10 Pray for safe travels for us & the Roma translators this winter

January 11 Pray for Djena & Biljana for God’s guidance as they translate into the Chergash language

January 12 Pray for Joy in Australia, for her full financial support, efficient work virtually from a distance & wisdom for future visits here

January 13 Pray for Natasha & Renata as they check & edit the Bayash language Bible translation, especially Luke, Matthew & Mark

January 14 Pray for Jonathan to experience God’s personal love for him

January 15 Pray for Pamala to see answers to prayers for God’s work in others’ lives

January 16 Pray for good progress for Daniel with his vision therapy & learning Croatian

January 17 Pray for Todd, the consultant & the translators to clearly & accurately translate Luke chapters 16-24 in 5 Roma languages

January 18 Pray for Stanoja & Zoki for clear, accurate translating of Matthew, Mark & Luke in the Ludari language

January 19 Pray for the remaining $6,500 we need for the rest of Kirsten’s school year at BFA & flights home for visits & at end of year

January 20 Pray for Stephen in his work & for Elizabeth as she begins her Master’s program tomorrow

January 21 Pray we can get 50 Bible stories & Luke 1-2 in 4 Roma languages in an app & that many will read & listen to God’s Word this way

January 22 Pray for Matthew to personally experience God-sightings in his life on a regular basis

January 23 Pray for God to use the audio & text versions of the 50 Bible stories posted on YouTube & Facebook to bring honor to His name

January 24 Pray for Todd for emotional & mental refreshment daily with so many deadlines

January 25 Pray for the remaining $325 per month to be pledged for our financial support through monthly donors to Pioneers

January 26 Pray for a place for us to live in Kansas City mid-July 2020 to mid-January 2021 for our US home assignment

January 27 Praise God for the joy & cheerfulness Ariela spreads to others

January 28 Pray for God’s grace & strength for Pam’s sister in Dallas, helping take care of their dad & mom

January 29 Praise God for Daniel’s serving heart & devotion to Jesus

January 30 Pray for a family to live in & rent our house in Croatia mid-July 2020 to mid-January 2021

January 31 Pray for Timothy to diligently work as unto the Lord

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