Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for February 2021 (The Prices Write, part 2)


  A prayer of one afflicted, when he is faint and pours out his complaint before the LORD.

Hear my prayer, O LORD; let my cry come to you!

(Ps. 102:1 ESV)

(To download this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing, click here.) Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
2 Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you– you are my God. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day.
4 Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
(Ps. 86:1-4 ESDaily Prayer Calendar for February 2021


February 1 Pray for us as we edit the Gurbet language translation of Luke chapters 21-24 this week, for wisdom & God’s guidance

February 2 Pray that this week we can complete the consultant check for the rest of Luke (chapters 21-24) in Gurbet

February 3 Pray we can successfully delegate payroll & financial administration of our Bible translation projects to a new team

February 4 Pray for wisdom & for more personnel to work on Bible translation of rest of NT in the 5 Roma languages

February 5 Pray that in 2021 we can complete translation, printing & audio recording of Luke & 50 Bible stories in 5 Roma languages

February 6 Pray we can be a support, help & blessing to Todd’s parents when we visit them in Oklahoma City

February 7 Praise God that 3 of the translation teams have completed consultant check on whole Gospel of Luke!

February 8 Pray for enjoyable & pain-free days for Todd’s parents & for additional in-home care for the weekends for them

February 9 Pray for healing or kidney transplant for Bayash translator, Nedeljko, & God’s provision financially for his family

February 10 Pray for accurate & clear translation of Luke chapters 6-17, 20-24 in the Ludari language which we are currently working on

February 11 Pray for Matthew to have an edifying time with friend he is visiting this week out of state; pray also for successful nerve growth for Matthew

February 12 Pray for successful audio recording of Luke & rest of Bible stories in the Chergash language

February 13 Pray for supportive, spiritual network of friends for Elizabeth & Stephen, & safety on their jobs

February 14 Today is Kirsten’s 17th birthday! Pray for her to love Jesus with all her heart & walk with him daily

February 15 Pray for diligence for Timothy in his computer science studies

February 16 Pray for Jonathan to experience the great love & mercy God offers through Jesus

February 17 Pray our insurance will approve an electronic prosthetic arm for Matthew & that he can be fitted with it soon

February 18 Pray for successful hysterectomy for Pamala today, for no complications or infections, & for a quick recovery

February 19 Pray for quick healing, low pain, & no problems with either blood clots or anemia, as Pam recovers from hysterectomy

February 20 Pray Daniel will be able to start getting braces within a year, not the 3 years projected for those on the waiting list

February 21 Pray as we speak briefly about Roma Bible translation at Solid Rock Bible Church, Kansas City, MO this morning

February 22 Pray for good audio recording progress for Luke & 50 Bible stories in the Bayash language

February 23 Praise God for The Seed Company consultants who have been so helpful in our Bible translation work

February 24 Pray for wisdom, accuracy & fast progress for Todd checking Luke chapters 1-3, and 6-17 in the Ludari language

February 25 Pray for Sergej helping with Ludari Bible translation & for progress in testing, editing & correcting Luke

February 26 Pray for wisdom for Pam home schooling & praise God for great books & resources

February 27 Praise God for Pam’s sister living nearby & for cousins who are great friends for Daniel & Ariela

February 28 Pray for teammate, Joy Hill, for wisdom & progress formatting Bible translations & in administrative ministry

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