Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for December 2023

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, click here to download.

December 1 Pray for $365 more in monthly pledges for our missionary support (due to inflation & increased insurance premiums)

December 2 Praise for Daniel & Ariela using their skills for God in the Christmas play (sound & singing/acting, respectively)

December 3 Pray for Pam teaching girls’ youth Sunday school on Exodus 13 today

December 4 Pray for each of our children to follow Jesus closely today and every day & to saturate their minds with the Scriptures

December 5 Pray for Todd & the other elders to serve & lead our church wisely & for fruitful elders’ meetings

December 6 Pray God will use Todd teaching a weekly men’s Bible study through 1 John, for good attendance & edifying learning

December 7 Pray for Todd & the Chergash Bible translators for wisdom as they edit the Gospel of John in their language

December 8 Pray for Todd preparing to teach 1 John at church on Wednesdays & theology for Sunday adult Equip Hour

December 9 Pray for dress rehearsal to go smoothly for the play, esp. for preschoolers singing as Ariela & Pamala lead

December 10 Pray for God to be glorified through the Christmas play Pam is directing at our church tonight

December 11 Pray for improved health for our team in Croatia: Andy’s back & Lim’s rheumatoid arthritis

December 12 Pray for Todd & the Arli Bible translators for wisdom as they edit the Gospel of John in their language

December 13 Praise God for Matthew’s new job with benefits with the same firm; thank God for his kindness to him again

December 14 Pray for Todd as he studies & checks the translations of John in Arli, Chergash & Gurbet

December 15 Pray God would draw to Himself for salvation our family members who need Christ

December 16 Pray for a good visit with Jonathan visiting us for Christmas today through Dec. 31

December 17 Pray for Todd teaching adult Equip Hour on the will of God at our church this morning

December 18 Pray for the salvation of Roma in Slavonski Brod & Sisak, Croatia. Praise for the recent good conversations with our team.

December 19 Pray for a good visit with Matthew visiting us for Christmas today through January 3

December 20 Pray for Todd & the Gurbet Bible translators for wisdom as they edit the Gospel of John in their language

December 21 Pray for one-time gifts of $10,000 to send our family on our Croatia mission trips this summer

December 22 Pray for comfort & joy for missionary families who aren’t home with their families this season

December 23 Pray for powerful music team ministry this weekend as Pam sings at church

December 24 Pray for God’s Spirit to powerfully work in hearts bringing salvation through the church services

December 25 Praise for Jesus showing us God & giving us faith in Him as Savior. Merry Christmas!

December 26 Pray that we will model God’s character in all our interactions & conversations

December 27 Pray for Pam’s mom’s health to continue to be good (93 years old)

December 28 Pray we can be a blessing to Todd’s mom as we visit her in Oklahoma City today & tomorrow

December 29 Pray for good health & for safe travels this winter

December 30 Pray for enough summer teamers to go with us to Croatia in June 2024 & for their needed finances

December 31 Pray for the Gospel to be clearly understood in each of the Christmas outreaches around Jan. 6 in Croatia & Serbia

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

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