Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for December 2022

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.

December 1 Pray for us to be focused on worship & on eternity as we serve the Lord

December 2 Pray for many Roma to attend Christmas outreaches this month & next with open hearts for the Gospel

December 3 Pray for Todd & Ariela at Uplift today sorting items for the homeless; for her Am. Heritage Girls club to develop a heart for others

December 4 Pray for Pam singing each Dec. Sunday, for more help on the worship team, & for God to provide a worship leader for our church

December 5 Pray for fruitful men’s study on spiritual leadership for Todd & Daniel attending monthly at the home of one of our elders

December 6 Pray for wisdom for Todd grading Bible translation course assignments from Roma translators

December 7 Pray for fruitful & productive home school progress this month for Ariela & Daniel, & wisdom as Pam plans & teaches

December 8 Pray for Todd & the Chergash translators for clarity & accuracy as we translate Jude and 1-3 John

December 9 Praise God & pray for His provision of our financial support to cover higher costs of inflation

December 10 Pray for strength, health & creativity for our team in Croatia doing extra outreaches during Christmas

December 11 Pray for Pam teaching Ariela’s Sunday school class today, for the youth girls to have receptive hearts

December 12 Pray for each of our children to love & follow Jesus all their lives & for continued spiritual growth & courage

December 13 Pray for the Arli, Gurbet & Chergash teams as they edit their translations of 1-3 John and Mark

December 14 Pray for Todd & Pam to effectively teach & disciple attendees at Wednesday night Bible studies at our church

December 15 Pray for good health & safety in winter driving for us & the Bible translators

December 16 Pray for wisdom for Todd as he checks the translations of 1-3 John and Mark in Arli, Chergash & Gurbet languages

December 17 Praise for the special blessing of a Christmas music conference we can attend today due to the generosity of friends

December 18 Pray for Todd teaching adult Bible fellowship at our home church this morning

December 19 Pray we can be a blessing visiting Todd’s mom, Geri Price, for her 84th birthday today

December 20 Pray for our time together as Jonathan visits us from California & Matthew from Atlanta for Christmas

December 21 Pray for Todd & the Gurbet translators for clarity & accuracy in translating 1-3 John and Mark

December 22 Pray for Roma who have Scriptures in their language to believe & apply it in their lives

December 23 Pray that God will draw to Himself each of our children who need salvation

December 24 Pray for Ariela playing a piano duet for our Christmas Eve service prelude

December 25 Praise God that Christ came as our only source of salvation; pray for many Roma to come to Him

December 26 Pray for summer teamers to join us this summer in Croatia to help run a week of VBS clubs for Roma kids

December 27 Pray for Todd & the Arli translators for clarity & accuracy as we translate 1-3 John and Mark

December 28 Pray for many Roma to read & listen to the Gospel of Luke & 50 Bible stories in the 5 Roma languages

December 29 Pray for us as a family to enjoy & be edified through our family devotions & good Bible teaching & sermons

December 30 Pray for consistent work hours for Timothy & to get an additional job as needed

December 31 Pray for safe travel for Matthew flying back to Atlanta today & for Jonathan when he returns to California on 1/4

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