Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for December 2017

Daily prayer calendar for December 2017 (The Prices Write, part 3)   View this email online if it doesn't display correctly

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Dec 1 Praise God for safety for Todd over 1000s of miles to Croatia last month & for fruitful Bible translation work with Roma translators
Dec 2 Pray for our last visit to Pam’s parents in Albia, to be of practical help & encouragement to them
Dec 3 Pray for us speaking at First Baptist Church, Chariton, Iowa this morning
Dec 4 Pray for Todd traveling to Grand Rapids, MI, for a week of training in use of Bible translation software
Dec 5 Pray for good learning during the Bible translation software training conference
Dec 6 Pray for Timothy & Matthew as they finish their college semesters this month
Dec 7 Pray for Stephen as he helps refugees in Kansas City while raising support to return to Hungary to serve the Roma 
Dec 8 Pray for Joy Hill in Budapest doing administrative ministry for us & two other Pioneers teams
Dec 9 Pray for Pam’s time today with ladies from our church, CrossWay Bible, Blue Springs, MO
Dec 10 Pray for us speaking at Master’s Community Church, Kansas City, KS today
Dec 11 Pray for our health; we all have physicals over the next two weeks
Dec 12 Pray for good ideas & interaction with CrossWay Bible Church’s missions team today
Dec 13 Pray for wisdom & progress for our team developing Bible translation checking software
Dec 14 Praise for great health for our family, especially with such a full travel schedule
Dec 15 Praise for Kirsten’s online school this semester going very well–a huge help for Pamala!
Dec 16 Praise that we can enjoy a Christmas concert in English here in the States!
Dec 17 Pray for new missionaries in their youth to come over to Croatia to work with the Roma
Dec 18 Pray for spiritual growth for our kids & for them to always have kingdom priorities 
Dec 19 Pray for health for Todd’s mom, Geri, turning 79 today, & battling Parkinson’s disease
Dec 20 Praise that our immediate family can all be together this year around Christmas 
Dec 21 Pray for Pam’s parents in transition as her dad, Mal, moves to Texas for Pam’s sister to care for him
Dec 22 Pray for good visit with Jonathan & fiance, Cindy, visiting for Christmas
Dec 23 Pray for $800 more monthly support for Stephen & Elizabeth Sell to be able to return to Hungary to ministry to the Roma
Dec 24 Pray that Jesus will receive all the glory as we celebrate His birth 
Dec 25 Praise God for sending His Son, our Savior! Merry Christmas!
Dec 26 Pray we can find translators for the 5th Roma dialect in the coming year Dec 27 Praise for guidance in our decision to move to Croatia
Dec 28 Praise God for generous donors who support our work of Bible translation Dec 29 Pray for Daniel & Ariela to grow daily in their faith in Christ
Dec 30 Pray as we pack for a week of debrief at Pioneers next week in Orlando, FL
Dec 31 Praise God for Roma Bible translation progress made in 2017 for His glory!
Donations can be sent to:
Pioneers, 10123 William Carey Dr., Orlando, FL 32832
or made online at:
To give tor our missionary support, please designate your donation for account 110250 "Todd & Pamala Price".
To give to the Roma Bible translation projects, please designate your donation for account 150786 P001 "Roma Bible"
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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