Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for April 2023

To get this prayer letter formatted as a calendar for printing out, go here to download.

April 1 Pray for Daniel & Ariela at Silver Dollar City for Young Christians’ Weekend with our church youth group

April 2 Pray Todd can be a blessing to his mom, Geri Price, visiting her at her nursing home in Oklahoma City this weekend

April 3 Pray for more summer teamers to join us this summer in Croatia to help run a week of VBS & teen camp for Roma kids

April 4 Pray for Pam & Ariela’s American Heritage Girls’ group tonight as they prepare a VBS craft project for us to take to Croatia

April 5 Praise God for deep connections, relationship building & encouragement in Todd & Pam’s Wednesday night Bible studies

April 6 Pray for Andy & Lim adjusting back to Croatia after their brief time visiting the States

April 7 Pray for powerful Good Friday services that bring glory to God. Praise Him for sacrificing His only Son for us!

April 8 Pray for daily spiritual nourishment through our family Bible reading & hymn singing in the evenings

April 9 He is risen indeed! Pray that this Easter season many Roma will experience new life in Christ.

April 10 Pray for God to use Todd as an elder in our church, to be a blessing & to feed the sheep of God’s flock

April 11 Pray for Todd & the Arli translators for clarity & accuracy as we translate the early chapters of Acts

April 12 Praise God for singing experience Ariela is gaining at Mighty Roots Academy; pray she can use it for ministry

April 13 Pray for the Arli, Gurbet & Chergash teams as they edit their translations of Acts, James & the Gospel of John

April 14 Pray that many Roma will read & listen to Luke & 50 Bible stories in the 5 Roma languages we have completed

April 15 Pray God will reveal salvation in Jesus to Muslims in former Yugoslavia who are celebrating the fast of Ramadan

April 16 Pray for us traveling to & speaking at Graham Union Church in Graham, MO, this morning

April 17 Pray for wisdom for Todd as he prepares to consult on the translation drafts of Acts in Arli, Gurbet & Chergash languages

April 18 Pray for each of our children who need saving faith, for soft hearts, the gift of faith & submission to the Lord

April 19 Pray for Todd & the Gurbet translators for clarity & accuracy as we translate the early chapters of Acts

April 20 Pray for the needed finances for summer teamers who will go to Croatia with us & to catch a clear missions vision

April 21 Pray for Daniel learning to drive & Todd teaching him; for safety & good driving skills

April 22 Pray for our lunch today with a potential Bible translator, for wisdom for her regarding her future ministry

April 23 Pray for spiritual growth for the youth girls in Sunday school as Pamala teaches today

April 24 Pray for $334 more per month to be pledged for our financial support

April 25 Pray for a biblical world view for our children who know Jesus & that they will serve Him daily

April 26 Praise God for the sound technician skills Daniel is learning; pray they will be useful in ministry

April 27 Pray for Todd & the Chergash translators for clarity & accuracy as we translate book of Acts

April 28 Pray for Todd & Pam preparing for & leading Bible studies on Wednesdays, to edify the Body

April 29 Praise God for Pam’s mom’s (Barbie Hughes) health & bold witness & ability to live on her own

April 30 Pray for Roma Bible translators taking classes in Bible translation & Todd as he prepares to teach a class this Fall

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PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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