Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for April 2021 (The Prices Write)


Hear my prayer, O LORD;

listen to my plea!

Answer me

because you are faithful and righteous.

 (Ps. 143:1 NLT)

Hear my prayer, O LORD;
listen to my plea!

April 1 Praise God for successful hysterectomy for Pamala today. Pray for post-op safety and quick healing.

April 2 Praise Jesus for giving himself as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. Pray that many Roma will receive him.

April 3 Several of our colleagues in Croatia (Roma, Croat & American) are sick with COVID. Pray for quick & full recovery for them.

April 4 Christ the Lord is risen today! Pray that many Roma will come to know him in the power of his resurrection.

April 5 Pray for continued healing for Pam from surgery, for quick recovery & no complications

April 6 Pray for healing or kidney transplant for Bayash translator, Nedeljko, & God’s provision for his family financially

April 7 Pray for provision of full-time care for Todd’s mom at a nursing home facility in Oklahoma City & for Medicare to cover the costs

April 8 Pray for Matthew to grow in trust in Christ & for emotional healing from the accident & arm loss

April 9 Pray for Daniel’s eye therapy to improve his dyslexia & headaches

April 10 Pray that Jonathan would be in good health & that it would be well with his soul (3 John 1:2, NET)

April 11 Thank God for providing for us & the ministry financially each month & for your part in it!

April 12 Pray we can finish checking important terms in Luke & make the needed glossary in the Arli language

April 13 Pray for encouragement & joy, good friends, spiritual growth, job openings & health insurance coverage for Timothy

April 14 Pray our insurance will approve an electronic prosthetic arm for Matthew & that he can be fitted with it soon

April 15 Pray for completion of accurate, high quality audio recordings of Luke & 50 Bible stories in Bayash, delayed by translators’ health problems

April 16 Pray for Elizabeth & Stephen’s high stress work in the inner city, for protection physically, emotionally & spiritually

April 17 Pray we can finish checking important terms in Luke & make the needed glossary in the Chergash language

April 18 Pray Kirsten will blossom spiritually, especially through her studies at Calvary University & in family devotions

April 19 Pray for the team checking Jeremiah 27-52 in Eastern Slovakian Roma language over the next 2 weeks, for accuracy & clarity

April 20 Pray for Todd joining the consultant check of Jeremiah early mornings the next 2 weeks due to the time difference from Europe

April 21 Pray Todd can be a blessing to the consultant checks of Jeremiah & for him to complete the required training to become a consultant

April 22 Pray for time & success reading & taking other training needed for Todd to get credentialed as a Bible translation consultant

April 23 Pray we can finish checking important terms in Luke & make the needed glossary in the Gurbet language

April 24 Praise for good friends, home school co-op & church group for Ariela; pray for continued spiritual growth & learning

April 25 Pray for refreshment & edification today & each Lord’s day for us & our children

April 26 Pray for Joy Hill as she works on formatting & punctuation of Bible in 5 Roma languages

April 27 Pray for accuracy & clarity as we translate Luke chapters 8-12 in the Ludari language

April 28 Pray for wisdom & efficiency for Sergej helping the translators check Luke in Ludari in the Roma village

April 29 Pray for wisdom for those setting up infrastructure & funding for next phase of our Bible translations

April 30 Pray for more Roma Bible translators & for setting up long-term program to train them for completion of Bible translation

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To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832


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