Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for April 2020 (The Prices Write, part 2)

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Please pray for:

  1. Our application for an apartment or house to rent to be accepted for just the right place by May 1.

  2. Economical and efficient transport company to get our belongings to shipped from Croatia to Kansas City.

  3. Pam as she packs up the house in Croatia, for wisdom in deciding what to take, what to give away.

  4. Safety from COVID-19 for all 4 of our parents, 3 who are highly vulnerable & the other who is 89 years of age.

  5. Safety from COVID-19 for Elizabeth working at reintegration home for teens & Stephen at police academy.

  6. Good solution of what to do with our car in Croatia while we are gone to the States.

  7. Matthew to be able to have nerve reimplantation surgery soon.

  8. Movement and feeling to be restored to Matthew’s left shoulder and upper arm.

  9. Best prosthetic solution for Matthew’s left arm.

  10. Grace, comfort and help for Matthew learning to do daily life with one arm.

  11. Matthew to be able to complete his web and app design classes at UC Berkeley online fro Kansas City.

  12. Kirsten taking her high school classes from BFA, which have currently changed to online due to COVID-19.

  13. Wisdom for our Bible translation consultant to know when to do online checking sessions from the US with translators in Croatia and Serbia.

  14. Todd as he checks, edits and proofreads the translations of Luke in 5 Roma languages

  15. Replacement car for Matthew since his previous car was totaled.

  16. Job for Matthew to do while living with us in KC and continuing online classes through school in California.

  17. Timothy doing online college classes thru MCC KC.

  18. God to meet Jonathan in a special way, especially now.

  19. Daniel & Ariela doing their home school work & helping Pam pack.

  20. Zoki & Stanoje translating the Bible in the Ludari language.

  21. Sasha, Kada and Alen translating the Bible in the Arli language.

  22. Goran and Naki translating the Bible in the Gurbet language.

  23. Natasha and Renata translating the Bible in the Bayash language.

  24. Biljana and Djena translating the Bible in the Chergash language.

  25. Opportunities for translators to distribute Bible story books and Luke 1-2 in Arli, Gurbet, Bayash & Chergash.

  26. Many Roma to read the Bible story books and Luke 1-2 in Arli, Gurbet, Bayash and Chergash languages.

  27. Many Roma to listen to and understand the Bible stories and Luke 1-2 in audio online.

  28. Financial support for The Seed Company and that they would continue to fund the Roma Bible translators to finish more of the translation.

  29. Our Bible translation consultant to have wisdom as he checks the draft translations and suggests improvements.

  30. The Roma translators’ laptops and Bible translation software to work smoothly.