Subject: Our daily prayer calendar for April 2018

Our daily prayer calendar for April 2018 (The Prices Write, part 2)   View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
The day after we moved to Slavonski Brod, Croatia, a local oil spill made the local water undrinkable. Praise God for Croatian co-workers who warned us, and for stores with bottled water!


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April 1 Praise God for raising Jesus from the dead for our justification!
April 2 Praise God we could be a blessing by attending two local Croatian Baptist churches on Easter
April 3 Praise God that all our things were moved successfully to the new house in Croatia!
April 4 Praise God for getting the rental house in Hungary painted, cleaned & returned to landlord
April 5 Praise God for missionaries & national friends who helped us load & unload moving truck
April 6 Praise God for giving us strength & good health making our move to Croatia
April 7 Pray we can quickly receive long term visas for living in Croatia
April 8 Pray that our presence will be a blessing to the very small Baptist Church plant in Nova Gradiška, 45 minutes from our house
April 9 Pray that Kirsten, Daniel & Ariela will make good friends in Croatia
April 10 Pray for fruitful meetings at Balkan Consultation on Theological Education Todd will be attending today & tomorrow
April 11 Pray for divine guidance for Todd studying Luke chapter 4 in preparation for Bible translation with Roma translation team members
April12 Pray for development of translationCore Bible translation software we work with, scheduled for version 0.9 release tomorrow
April 13 Pray for fruitful Bible translation sessions (into Bayash dialect) in Zagreb with Natasha, Renata & Nedeljko tomorrow
April 14 Praise God for the landlord’s exercise equipment Todd is able to use at home
April 15 Praise God for the way Timothy blesses others, as he lives in Kansas City
April 16 Pray for full financial support for our teammate, Joy Hill, safety in her travels & wisdom in her many administrative roles
April 17 Pray for wisdom for the unfoldingWord team Todd is a part of, developing resources to assist Bible translators
April 18 Pray for progress to be made in writing a NT Greek Grammar we are developing to assist Bible translators
April 19 Pray for the remainder of Jonathan’s time in South Korea & for guidance for the future
April 20 Pray for progress in writing a NT Greek dictionary we are developing to assist Bible translators
April 21 Pray for Elizabeth & Stephen in Tirana, Albania, to be fruitful in ministry to the Roma
April 22 Pray that our presence will bless the local Baptist church in Slavonski Brod, when we are able to attend
April 23 Pray for Croatian language learning for the kids & for Pam’s continuing progress
April 24 Pray for spiritual hunger for the Word in the lives of each of our children
April 25 Pray for our children to have the fear of the Lord, hatred of sin & boldness to represent Christ well
April 26 Pray for fruitful progress on Bible translation with Goran into Gurbet language 
April 27 Pray for fruitful progress on Bible translation with Sasha & Kada into Arli language
April 28 Pray for Kirsten to integrate well & help in the Roma teen & tween clubs
April 29 Pray for Matthew to have guidance from the Lord for his future
April 30 Pray for fruitful progress on Bible translation with Biljana & Djeno into Chergash language     
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To give tor our missionary support, please designate your donation for account 110250 "Todd & Pamala Price".
To give to the Roma Bible translation projects, please designate your donation for account 150786 P001 "Roma Bible"
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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