Subject: Our Daily Prayer Calendar for September 2019 (The Prices Write, part 2)

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“Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! … Be gracious to me and hear my prayer.” (Psalm 4:1 ESV)

Daily Prayer Calendar for September 2019
(For this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing out, click here.)

September 1 Pray for a restful & edifying Sunday after days of travel to Germany & back

September 2 Pray Joy & Todd can accomplish all they need to in person before she leaves

September 3 Pray that the Gospel seeds sown during August’s outreaches will bear eternal fruit

September 4 Praise that Ariela can help in the weeklong preschool for Roma who start school soon

September 5 Pray for Joy traveling back to Budapest, & then in October back to Australia

September 6 Pray that Kirsten will adjust to living at BFA in Germany, for good friends & studies

September 7 Ask God to plant His church among the Roma in the Sisak village

September 8 Pray for the 12 participants in this week’s Bible translation workshop for safe travels & good health

September 9 Pray for Goran, Todd & Naki editing the Gurbet Bible translation in Luke today & tomorrow

September 10 Pray God will raise up more workers to help w/ Bible translation in the 5 Roma languages

September 11 Pray for the Roma translators visiting from Slovakia to work well together with our translators

September 12 Pray for accuracy & clarity in editing passages of Luke in the Gurbet, Arli & Chergash languages today

September 13 Pray for the remaining $305 per month in pledges we need to have our full support pledged

September 14 Praise God for answered prayer that we got our Croatian driver’s licenses last month

September 15 Pray Kirsten will adjust well to the new church at BFA in Germany & grow spiritually

September 16 Pray for Matthew at work & his upcoming classes, to walk closely as Jesus’ disciple

September 17 Pray for Sasha, Kada & Todd for God’s enablement for Bible translating into the Arli language

September 18 Praise for Lara teaching Daniel & Ariela Croatian afternoons at our house

September 19 Timothy to be encouraged as he works & to be a light for Jesus

September 20 Praise God for strength, health & safety for each summer teamer who came to Croatia

September 21 Today is Todd’s 53rd birthday. Pray for the Lord to always use him for His glory!

September 22 Pray for God’s working through Todd, Natasha, Renata & Nedeljko in Bayash Bible translation progress

September 23 Pray for the remaining $7,500 needed for Kirsten’s schooling & travels to/from BFA in Germany

September 24 Pray for Daniel to continue to progress well in his vision therapy for dyslexia & in reading & writing

September 25 Pray for Pamala for God’s daily wisdom in parenting, teaching & serving

September 26 Pray for Goran, Naki & Todd for God to work in & through them in translating the Bible into Gurbet

September 27 Pray for the power of God to be mightily at work in Jonathan’s life

September 28 Pray for more Bible translators to work with Todd in the Ludari language in our local Roma village

September 29 Pray for Djena, Biljana & Todd for wisdom & God’s empowerment translating Bible into Chergash

September 30 Pray for the Lord’s guidance for Stephen & Elizabeth in their work & ministries
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