Subject: Our Daily Prayer Calendar for May 2019 (The Prices Write, part 3)

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Yet have regard to the prayer of your servant and to his plea, O LORD my God, listening to the cry and to the prayer that your servant prays before you 
(2 Chr. 6:19 ESV)


(For this prayer list formatted as a calendar suitable for printing, click here.)

May 1 Pray for us at our conference in Slovenia for refreshment, worship, good teaching & fellowship

May 2 Pray God will use us to be a blessing to others at the Slovenia conference

May 3 Pray for safe travels as we & many others leave the Slovenia conference today to travel home

May 4 Pray for our Bible translation consultant traveling to Croatia for a week of checking 4 Bible translations

May 5 Pray for God’s Spirit to edify the church as our consultant preaches this morning at our church in Slavonski Brod, Croatia

May 6 Pray for God’s guidance as we check the Arli, Chergash & Gurbet Bible translation of Luke chapters 1-3 & 11 all this week

May 7 Pray for the translators to have wisdom in deciding the best wording for each verse we translate

May 8 Pray for wisdom & stamina checking the Luke translations in Arli, Chergash & Gurbet all day every day this week

May 9 Pray for God’s guidance for Todd & our consultant helping the Roma translators to check & improve their translations of Luke

May 10 Pray computer software & hardware will work well for the translation workshop; pray for health of all the translators

May 11 Pray for strength & stamina for Sergej doing many hours of Croatian/English oral translation for the workshop

May 12 Pray for a refreshing Mother’s Day celebration for Pamala

May 13 Pray for God’s guidance for the Bayash translators as we check their translation of Luke 3 today

May 14 Pray we can get our annual visas & IDs for Croatia renewed before our trip to the States next week

May 15 Pray we can get our car inspection & tags renewed before our trip to the States next week

May 16 Pray as we prepare the house for guests who will stay here a few weeks while we are in the States

May 17 Praise God for an increase of $200 per month more in pledges from monthly supporters!

May 18 Pray for the remaining $390 per month in pledges we need to have our full support pledged

May 19 Pray for final packing & preparations for leaving for the States tomorrow for a month

May 20 Pray for safety & for time zone adjustment as we fly to the States today for a month

May 21 Pray for our driver’s license renewals & Kirsten’s driver’s permit test to go smoothly

May 22 Pray for successful dental work today for all of us, especially for Pam

May 23 Pray we can be an encouragement to Timothy, who lives in Kansas City

May 24 Pray for Jonathan & Matthew visiting from Oakland, for a meaningful time with all of us together

May 25 Praise God Elizabeth & Stephen are in KC so our whole family can be together for this special weekend

May 26 Praise for the special extended family time at Pam’s niece’s wedding, including Pam’s parents

May 27 Today is our 30th wedding anniversary. Praise for the joy & love we receive through our marriage because of Christ

May 28 Pray for a full time job for Z., husband of one of the Bible translators, & for God’s will to be done regarding a possible second job for her

May 29 Pray for Dj. & B., two of the Bible translators, for God’s will to be done regarding potential second jobs for them

May 30 Pray God will provide two Ludari speakers as part- or full-time Bible translators so we can make faster progress on Bible stories & begin Luke

May 31 Pray the Lord will use the Roma Bible translations to transform lives & that His church will be established among many Roma
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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