Subject: “Oh for a 1,000 … languages to tell my great Redeemer’s praise”; Slovakia report part 1

I’ve enjoyed the beautiful scenery of mountains and forests in Slovakia

I am on day 9 of my 11-day trip to Slovakia. Thank you for praying for me. The Lord has graciously answered so many prayer requests, including the following:

I’ve had safety on all my flights and transport to the two different venues;

my luggage made it safely;

I have remained healthy;

I was exhausted when I arrived since I didn’t sleep much on the flights over, but I have slept well in Slovakia;

Pamala and the children are doing well back home in Belton, MO;

she and her sister and brother-in-law got her mom moved back into her apartment after the apartment owners replaced the flooring which was damaged from the flooding–we’re glad that’s over with!;

I was able to finish grading the Bible translators’ assignments from their previous classes before these new classes started, and I finished (just barely!) preparing the lectures in time for each of the class sessions I taught.

At the venue where we held the Bible translation conference in Slovakia

The conference with staff from The Word for the World Bible Translators was excellent. Pam and I are missionaries with Pioneers; we have been for 30 years and will continue to do so. But we also work in close cooperation with other mission organizations, especially those who specialize in Bible translation work.

And it is with great joy that I can announce that I have now been credentialed and recognized by The Word for the World (TWFTW) as an international Bible translation consultant. This means I am now qualified to be the sole consultant for any Bible translation they are working on worldwide (assuming we can use a language I know as the medium of communication). Currently, I am the consultant for three Bible translation projects, those in the Arli, Chergash, and Gurbet languages for Roma from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

The CEO of The Word for the World International

If you’ve heard me speak before, you may have heard me mention that there are hundreds of languages in the world which still need a Bible translation. The Word for the World (TWFTW) Bible Translators has a very ambitious and faith-filled vision to help meet this goal. Their vision is to be “instrumental in completing first-time translations of the entire Bible in 1,000 languages by 2050“!

It was fascinating to hear the CEO of TWFTW recount the 40+ year history of the organization, recounting miracles that God has done along the way and sharing the vision of what we pray He will do in the future.

Perhaps it can be summed up best by these two quotes he shared:

“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” (William Carey)

“All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on God being with them.” (Hudson Taylor)

Thank you for your continued prayers for me. I have another day and a half of teaching sociolinguistics to the Roma Bible translators, and then I return home to the US on Saturday. Please pray for good teaching and good learning for all and safety and rest on my return flights from Slovakia through Austria and New York back to Kansas City.


group meal with TWFTW translators

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