Subject: No literature in this dialect; no missionaries working here (The Prices Write, July 2016, part 2)

No literature in this dialect; no missionaries in this village (The Prices Write, July 2016, part 2)    View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
The two Roma villages we visited, two hours apart, are "sister" villages, meaning that the men from one village typically find wives from the other village. Although they speak Croatian, their home language is a Roma dialect which has no Christian literature of any kind. Please pray that we can very soon get 50 basic Bible stories (explaining salvation from Creation to the return of Christ) translated into the Ludari dialect, which is spoken by 30,000, and that God would raise up Roma whom we can train to do Bible translation into this dialect.
These children colored the story of Jesus as the Good Shepherd & made a craft of the paralytic whom Jesus healed. For some, these stories are the first they\rquote ve heard about Jesus, helping to form their concept of who God is and what He is like.

There are no Christian workers in the second village we visited (population 1,000), and no church in this nor the first village we visited (population 2,000) where our career missionary teammates work. Would you pray that God will plant a church in each of these villages and soon begin the work of Bible translation among these people?
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