Subject: Mom doing well in nursing home; Pam’s recovery going well; visiting OKC (The Prices Write, May 2021)

Mom eating lunch in her room at the nursing home

Thank you all so much for praying for my (Todd’s) mom. God answered prayer quickly and we were able to move her into a nursing home in Oklahoma City in mid-April. This facility had just reopened under new management and she was the very first resident. The staff threw a party to welcome her and she felt very loved. It was a great answer to prayer that she was awake and strong enough that day to make the move.

My sister and aunt did a great job setting up her nursing home room with pictures and decorations from home, and Timothy and I moved in some of her furniture so she would feel at home.

Ariela (9) on a tree stump at Todd’s mom’s house in OKC

Now we are traveling frequently to Oklahoma City to visit her and to help my sister get everything moved out of their house. Please pray for this huge job of sorting, donating, selling and storing their things from decades living in that house!

Pamala is doing very well with her surgery recovery and we are so thankful for that, especially that she even has energy and strength to travel to OKC and work hard sorting things at mom’s house. She is still wisely taking it easy and resting as needed.

Another praise is that we are able to rent the house in Independence, MO, for an additional year at the lower monthly rent we had negotiated when we first moved in. By paying a year up front, we save a lot on rent. We think it wise to remain in the States, as we had previously planned, for at least another year. Matthew is doing well and making plans to move out to live on his own or with a friend within a year. Kirsten is doing very well with her classes at Calvary University and is on track to get an associate of arts degree by summer of 2022, when she will also graduate from high school.

Checking Luke 8 in Ludari via Zoom with our Bible translation consultant

Thankfully, using Zoom and Skype, I am able to continue the same Bible translation work I was doing when we still lived in Croatia. We are currently in the midst of the following projects: checking and editing the Gospel of Luke in the Ludari language (with 12 chapters mostly done and 12 chapters to go); editing the glossary for the Gospel of Luke and making audio recordings of the Gospel of Luke and 50 Bible stories in the four other Roma languages (Arli, Bayash, Chergash and Gurbet).

As we prepare to move into stage two of the Bible translation project, which is the remainder of the New Testament in all five Roma languages, I am receiving training to move up from project coordinator of the projects, to translation consultant. Part of that process is working with The Word for the World to observe (and advise) on their translation of Jeremiah and Lamentations in a related Roma language spoken in Slovakia. Additionally, I’m doing more reading on Bible translation theory and practice.

Fun outing at the KC zoo

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and financial support!

Todd & Pamala Price (Matthew, Kirsten, Daniel, Ariela)

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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