Subject: Merry Christmas! Counting our 2020 blessings


Merry Christmas from all of us at the Price household. We are grateful that we can be together with most of the family this year. We were also privileged to be with Todd’s mom for her 82nd birthday on December 19th (see pictures below from our recent visit with them in Oklahoma City).


Looking back at 2020, even though it has been a very hard year, we have so much to be thankful for. Among the many blessings of 2020, we thank God for:

● Sparing Matthew’s life in the motorcycle accident on January 18, 2020, in San Francisco

● Jonathan’s amazing help at the hospital while Matthew was in surgery & ICU in San Francisco

● Elizabeth being able to postpone the start of a new job to come to California to help Matthew

● Protection & health for Matthew through 46 days in the hospital and 11 surgeries

● Kind donors who paid to fly Pamala, Daniel, & Ariela from Croatia to San Francisco to visit Matthew in the hospital

● Generous donors providing flights for Todd to San Francisco as well as rental cars, and for lodging places opening up at just the right time in San Francisco

● Kind friends letting us stay with them in California, then a house to use in KC after that

● Kirsten being able to get out of Germany from boarding school hours before they closed the borders due to COVID, & donated flight tickets

● Strength for Pam and kids to pack up entire house in Croatia and get moved to Kansas City

● Friends donating furniture & helping us move into rental home in KC (Independence, MO)

● Friends donating car and pickup truck, and generous gifts so we could purchase a van

● Matthew being able to live with us, finish his schooling, drive his truck, and find part-time employment in his field of work

● Opportunities to visit Todd’s & Pam’s parents, siblings, nephews, and nieces

● Enablement for Todd & translators to keep up with Bible translation progress in 5 Roma languages, and nearing the completion of Luke

● Ability to keep working on Bible translation virtually via Zoom and synchronized translation software

Thank you for being there for us and with us in 2020. We so appreciate your love for us as a family, your prayers and encouragement, and financial support so we can continue to translate God’s Word for His glory!

Todd & Pamala (Matthew, Kirsten, Daniel, Ariela)


To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832


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