Subject: Matthew's second surgery outcome

Matthew's arm surgery to remove blood clots went well. The color is much better in his arm, though still purple and cool to the touch. They now can find a pulse in his arm, which they had not been able to do before. Please continue to pray as they are still afraid they might have to amputate his hand or arm. Please pray for complete healing for him and much wisdom about options for him.

I (Todd) am on my way to the airport in Zagreb, Croatia. I have a flight to Munich, Germany, and then directly to San Francisco, which will arrive this evening at 7:30 PM. Elizabeth is flying from Kansas City and will arrive Monday night as well. Jonathan has been fantastic being at the hospital with Matthew and making sure he gets the best possible care.

We have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of love, prayers, and encouragement from so many of you. Thank you. Many of you have asked how they can help. Our friend in KC, Brad Babcock, will be setting up a GoFundMe account, and as soon as that is set up, I will let you all know.

Currently, we are facing the costs of flights, car rentals, hotels, etc. Although we have good insurance and Matthew is still covered under that, we have no idea what the costs might be in the long run, with perhaps multiple surgeries and whatever rehab and therapy will be needed. We will keep you posted.

Pam, Daniel, and Ariela are home in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. Our Pioneers teammates there are so helpful and are taking good care of them. I'm not sure how long I will be in the States. At first, Elizabeth and I will be in Walnut Creek, California, where Matthew is in the hospital (we have a hotel in Concord, about 15 minutes away), and then we'll see from there what Matthew's needs are. If anyone is aware of a place to stay near John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek, please let me know. My US number will be active in a few hours and is 816 265 1237.

Grateful for your prayers and help,