Subject: Matthew's pain doing better; occupational therapy progress

Thank you for your prayers. Matthew's pain was much lower today than yesterday. They have made some changes to the medications and dosages, which seems to be helping.

The occupational therapist worked with him today. She taught him some exercises for his right arm (which is still weaker and has a limited range of motion due to pinched nerves in that shoulder). She also taught him and showed us how to put on a shirt (which is difficult with only one arm free and when the other arm is in a splint), and how to put on socks one-handed. She also helped us adjust the sling to work better for him and showed him how to use the shower neck brace. He also learned how to get in and out of bed properly, using his legs and good arm and keeping all weight and stress off his damaged arm.

The splint is still a challenge as it slips down and is uncomfortable and has rubbed places raw on his hand. They will see if they can adjust that soon. Not wearing the splint is not a good idea since he could easily cut or bruise his fingers, which have no feeling. It is better for the finger joints when they are kept in the splinted position.

We are unsure when he will be discharged. It could be tomorrow (Sunday) or Monday. A lot depends on how bad his pain is and whether it can be managed with pills once he is discharged.

The nurses are teaching us how, but it is difficult to change his wound dressing ourselves. Pray that we can work out a workable system where Matthew and I can work together to do that ourselves.

Unfortunately, some of the skin graft did not take, so they will eventually need to remove some of the dead skin and potential dead muscle as well.

Daniel and I had a Daddy date walking the hills of San Francisco to a park near the hospital. Ariela and I had a date in the hospital cafeteria (see picture). I've also attached a picture of the beautiful view of the sunset from Matthew's hospital room.

Jonathan came to the hospital this evening and brought a huge pile of mail that you all have sent to Matthew! He felt very popular! Thank you for your outpouring of love and kindness.

Please pray for the Lord's wisdom for the medical team for Matthew's discharge and for Pam and me with logistics of getting Matthew and me over to a new place in Walnut Creek, CA, after his discharge.



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