Subject: Matthew off all IVs, to be discharged soon

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Yesterday throughout the day, they lowered Matthew's IV medications, and this morning stopped it completely. We are so excited since this means that he is no longer tethered to the IV pole. Now Matthew can put his shirt on since all the IV lines which were in the way are no longer hooked up. Now, he can walk around freely, which feels so good.

We are waiting to make sure that his pain stays manageable without the IV medicines. He is still in a fair amount of pain, but we are trying to manage it with pills and pain patches. The doctors will let us know precisely when he can be discharged from UCSF Parnassus, but we are hoping that it is later today or tomorrow. Today is day 45 in the hospital for Matthew. They will prescribe the medications he will need when discharged and write up all the instructions we need for taking care of his amputation wound and for follow up appointments. 

Please pray for the following requests:

  1. That Matthew will be discharged today or tomorrow.

  2. For his pain to stay low.

  3. For his amputation wound to heal completely and for there to be no infection or complications.

  4. For the swelling of his arm to go down entirely.

  5. For Matthew to begin nerve testing at the Peripheral Nerve Center at UCSF Mission Bay on March 13.

  6. For Matthew's fractured vertebra to heal completely and that the appointment on March 17 will show that he can take off his neck brace and will not need neck surgery.

  7. That we will get detailed insurance bills, that our insurances will cover the bills, and that we will get financial assistance for what is not covered by insurance. Pray for the expenses which our insurance has rejected or disputed to either be dropped or that they will reconsider and cover these expenses.

  8. For Matthew to get California state disability insurance.

  9. For Matthew and me to grow spiritually and enjoy our time together listening to Daily Audio Bible and reading C. S. Lewis books. 

  10. For time, stamina, wisdom, and help for Pam to pack up our things to come back from Croatia to Kansas City to begin our family medical leave and home assignment. Pray for time to do that with all her other responsibilities and for wisdom what to take and what to leave.

  11. Also for Pam to get the house ready for the time when no one will be living there and then for when a new Pioneers couple will later come to live there.

  12. For a house in Kansas City, in or near Blue Springs, where the six of us (Todd, Pam, Matthew, Kirsten, Daniel, and Ariela) can live for the next 12-18 months. 

  13. Pray for Alen, the newest member of our translation team, a Roma who will be translating into the Arli dialect, along with Sasa and Kada, for God's enablement to translate accurately, clearly, naturally and efficiently.

  14. Pray for Djena and Biljana that they will be able to distribute the 50 copies of 50 Bible stories, and the 150 copies of Luke chapters 1-2 in the Chergash dialect.

  15. For The Seed Company that they will be able to continue funding the Bible translations in the five Roma languages (which includes translator salaries, expenses of travel, room and board for training sessions and editing and checking sessions, Todd's travels, and a myriad of other expenses related to testing the drafts of the Bible translations, audio recording, printing, and distribution. 

Thank you that we can bring you these prayer requests.

We are very grateful to all who give to help financially. There are Matthew's medical expenses and moving expenses to KC. There are also expenses for us with unexpected travel, a much longer US stay than we had planned, which means maintaining a home in both the US and Croatia. There is also our regular missionary support.

Those who would like to give can give online through, or by check to a Walnut Creek, CA, mailing address I can tell you if you message me. Those who want to give for our support can do so by giving to Pioneers online at, by phone at (407) 382-6000 or by mail to Pioneers (account 110250), 10123 William Carey Dr., Orlando, FL 32832.



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